
Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Anxiety is the emotion you feel when your body and brain respond to stress and alert you to potential danger. The ability to feel anxiety is healthy and normal, and we all experience it. 

Maybe it’s your first day at a new job, or you’re walking down a dark alley late at night. Those combined feelings of nervousness, alertness, fear, and tension all add up to anxiety. 

Though healthy and helpful in small doses, when feelings of anxiety last more than 6 months, become extreme, and interfere with your life, you may be dealing with an anxiety disorder.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. affecting around 40 million adults — almost 1 in 5 people. The good news is that there are many effective treatments, most of which don’t require a visit to a healthcare professional, just a change in diet and lifestyle. 

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

People experience anxiety with different intensities, sensations in the body, and related thought patterns. For some, anxiety might feel like butterflies in the stomach. For others, it expresses as a racing heart, a feeling of losing control, or a disconnection between mind and body. In more intense cases, anxiety can manifest as panic attacks, nightmares, and persistent unpleasant thoughts. 

Common symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Shallow breathing
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Feeling restless
  • Trouble falling asleep

What are the types of anxiety disorders?

Anxiety is a universal experience with many different environmental cues, levels of intensity, and physical and mental presentations. For many people, anxiety can become overwhelming, prolonged, and chronically triggered by specific experiences. In these cases, anxiety is often considered a disorder.  

The most common anxiety disorders include: 

  • Panic disorder: experiencing frequent or recurring panic attacks at unknown times. A person with panic disorder may be constantly fearful of the next panic attack.
  • Phobia: excessive fear of a specific activity, object, or situation.
  • Social anxiety disorder: overwhelming fear of being judged in social situations by others.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder: recurring irrational thoughts that lead you to perform specific, repeated behaviors like locking your front door over and over.
  • Separation anxiety disorder: fear and discomfort of being away from loved ones or home.
  • Illness anxiety disorder: anxiety about your health (previously known as hypochondria).
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): anxiety occurring after a traumatic event.

What causes anxiety?

Anxiety is caused by a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors. Researchers looking at the causes of anxiety study a variety of influences including brain chemistry, physical activity, the body’s microbiome, inflammation, and diet. 

Brain Chemistry

One way of understanding anxiety is through the lens of the chemical imbalance theory. This theory sees anxiety symptoms as a result of imbalances in natural chemical messengers in the brain called neurotransmitters.

The job of neurotransmitters is to communicate information between nerve cells and brain cells. There are hundreds of different types of neurotransmitters that can become unbalanced leading to panic and anxiety. Serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), are all neurotransmitters linked to mood and anxiety disorders.

These imbalances result from a combination of genetic factors and environmental factors, especially chronic stress and trauma. Anxiety disorders occur when these imbalances persist over time.

Physical Inactivity

Inactivity can lead to Anxiety. One of the most common causes of anxiety is unused energy. Your body is designed to alternate between periods of movement and rest. When you’re not moving that energy can build up. At first this feels like physical stress, but then it becomes mental stress and anxiety.

You can see the process play out with dogs. When they don’t get their daily walks, they become high-strung and then anxious. Once they expend their energy, they can relax. This same process happens in people, but we’re good at finding ways to distract ourselves, which only increases the build-up of anxiety.

Inactivity also increases the buildup of stress hormones. When you feel stress your body releases a hormone called cortisol. And studies show that movement depletes cortisol. This is important from the perspective of the chemical imbalance theory because cortisol inhibits the production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of well-being.

The Gut Microbiome

The gut microbiome is the trillions of microorganisms in the intestines responsible for critical functions in your immune system and metabolism. The microbiome produces cells that mediate inflammation, nutrients, vitamins, and neurotransmitters.  Together this ecosystem of organisms, cells, and compounds help regulate brain function through a system called the “gut-brain axis.”

Research on the link between the microbiome and anxiety is increasingly important. A recent analysis showed that 11 of 21 studies looking at regulating intestinal microbiota found a positive effect on anxiety symptoms. The 21 studies were split into studies looking at the effects of simply adding probiotics to the diet, and studies that changed the diet without introducing probiotics.

Interestingly, only 36% of the probiotics studies were effective in reducing anxiety. Yet a substantial 86% of the diet-related studies were effective. These findings suggest that diet changes that support a healthy microbiome, like cutting out sugary and processed foods, are far more effective for balancing the microbiome and reducing anxiety than relying on pills and powders.

Diet and Lifestyle 

When it comes to the effects of lifestyle or diet, it can be difficult to know which came first, the chicken or the egg? Excess stress may lead to poor sleep or insomnia. Poor sleep or a smoking habit makes you tired, so you don’t exercise. Stress may lead you to eat sugary processed foods or drink too much alcohol, which impacts your gut bacteria and sleep cycle. All of these lifestyle factors contribute to and reinforce anxiety. 

A key to reducing anxiety is breaking the cycle of anxiety-inducing lifestyle habits.

Lifestyle factors that may increase the risk of anxiety include:

  • A diet high in processed carbohydrates
  • Excess stress
  • Poor sleep
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Smoking
  • Imbalanced gut microbiome
  • Excess alcohol

Processed foods 

Foods and beverages can increase anxiety by causing inflammation and oxidative stress. Staples of the Standard Western (American) Diet such as refined grains, added sugars, and trans fats have all been shown to increase inflammation.


A diet high in carbohydrates and processed foods produces inflammatory chemicals called cytokines. People experiencing anxiety tend to have high levels of cytokines circulating through their entire bodies. These inflammatory chemicals trigger excitatory neurotransmitters, which create anxious thoughts and feelings.

Interestingly, neurotransmitters aren’t only in the brain. In fact, 90% of the neurotransmitter serotonin is made in the gut. Serotonin is a hormone that stabilizes mood and produces feelings of well-being. The production of serotonin is disrupted when the same inflammatory chemicals circulating in the brain cause damage to the microbiome of the gut. 

Studies show that gut-derived compounds such as short chain fatty acids from the digestion of fiber (a type of carbohydrate) may impact the risk of anxiety.   Furthermore, anxiety and worry tend to increase inflammation in the body, creating a negative feedback loop of anxiety and inflammation.

Alcohol and Anxiety

Alcohol alters serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain which may exacerbate anxiety. In addition, alcohol often impairs sleep, which may worsen anxiety. 

While alcohol may initially appear to reduce stress and anxiety, for people with alcohol addiction, anxiety is heightened when the effects of alcohol wear off.

Mainstream treatments for anxiety

Two mainstream treatment categories for anxiety include psychotherapy and medication. Working with a licensed therapist or psychologist can help you understand the roots of anxiety and adopt strategies and tools to cope with anxiety when it arises.

Medication may not be necessary for most people. However, in moderate to severe cases, medication can help you overcome the symptoms and lead a more productive day-to-day life. 

Medications normally used to treat anxiety include antidepressants and sedatives. These work to regulate brain chemistry, prevent or reduce episodes of anxiety, and ward off the most severe symptoms of the disorder.

Natural Treatments for Anxiety?

Natural treatments for anxiety involve practicing healthy activities and eliminating unhealthy ones.

Simple, yet powerful lifestyle changes proven to reduce anxiety include: 

  • Eating a diet high in animal-based whole foods.
  • Reducing carbohydrates and processed foods in your diet.
  • Starting meditation practices like mindfulness, lovingkindness, and breathwork. 
  • Having a gratitude practice.
  • Practice yoga.
  • Regular walking.

Foods that treat anxiety

Research suggests that a diet rich in animal-based whole foods can reduce anxiety.

These foods include:

These foods contain powerful mood-enhancing compounds such as omega-3-fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants including selenium, vitamin D, and E, that help reduce inflammation.

Foods high in healthy cholesterol, fats, and proteins such as eggs, fish, dairy products, red meats, and organ meats provide critical amino acids that help your body produce the “feel good” hormone serotonin.


A new field known as “Nutritional Psychiatry” is on the rise to investigate the power of keto  (low carb, high fat) diets for reducing anxiety. 

Keto diets reduce anxiety by targeting the root causes rather than medicating symptoms. Eating keto: 

  • Removes high-carb and processed foods that cause inflammation. 
  • Reduces anxiety inducing plant toxins including histamines and glycoalkaloids.
  • Allows your microbiome–the trillion-strong ecosystem of bacteria in your gut–to rebalance. 
  • Repairs the lining of your intestines. 
  • Restores your ability to absorb micronutrients crucial for creating a balance of neurotransmitters.


Yoga is kryptonite for anxiety because of the way it increases endorphins, reduces inflammation, and regulates the nervous system, uniting mind and body into a harmonious flow. Additionally, yoga Yoga offers a technique for relaxation that can replace unhealthy coping mechanisms, like alcohol and binge eating that increase anxiety.

A recent study on elementary school teachers found that after a 15-day residential yoga program, teachers experienced reduced rates of anxiety and improved mental well-being.

In addition, a systematic review of 27 studies on adolescents with varying degrees of health status using yoga as an anxiety treatment, found that over 50% of the studies showed reductions in anxiety.

You can read more about the benefits of yoga here, or take this quiz to find what yoga is right for you. 

Breathing techniques 

Like yoga, breathing exercises are a great way to use the body as a tool to reduce anxiety. One of the most powerful breathing techniques for anxiety is deep breathing. Deep breathing helps slow heart rate, reduces blood pressure, and helps to calm a racing mind. You can learn how to deep breathe with our free, in-depth-guide here.  

Slow breathing is also an effective technique for reducing anxiety. A recent systematic review of 15 studies showed that the psychological/behavioral consequences of slow breathing include increased comfort, relaxation, pleasantness, vigor, and alertness, and decreased symptoms of arousal, anxiety, depression, anger, and confusion.


Meditating is another simple and free technique to reduce anxiety. It works by relaxing the mind and focusing on the present. Meditation is used to break the cycle of negative, racing thoughts that cause anxiety. You can learn more about meditation, and how to do it here.

Researchers reviewed more than 200 studies of mindfulness among healthy people and found mindfulness-based meditation was exceptionally effective for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Mindfulness can also help treat many of the problems that lead to anxiety including depression, pain, smoking and addiction.

Quitting Smoking

Smoking may mask anxiety, but it doesn’t help you cope with it. Your ability to deal with anxiety becomes worse when you continue to smoke. 

Smoking can lead to numerous diseases which greatly increase anxiety. In addition, smokers tend to breathe faster and less efficiently, which may lead to hyperventilation. Hyperventilation can cause anxiety and panic attacks. 


Anxiety is common in our fast-paced and stressful world. The good news is that it can be successfully treated with lifestyle modifications, therapy, and medications. 

Dietary changes that reduce inflammation and increase your intake of mood-stabilizing nutrients, meditation practices, breathing techniques, and intentional movement like yoga and walking, are powerful and proven tools for reducing anxiety that you can begin today! 

Are Eggs Good for You?

Are Eggs Good for You? You Might Be Surprised

Are eggs good for you? Sure, they might have some important nutrients, but what about all that cholesterol?  If you’re expecting the answer to be no, then you’re in for one heck of a surprise.

Eggs can be very good for you, and so is dietary cholesterol.

Truth is, eggs (along with cholesterol) are among the most unfairly slandered foods out there. There’s a reason the soaring prices of eggs sparked civil unrest in Iran in 2017; they’re a bonafide superfood, and one of the healthiest foods on the planet! 

Let’s take a closer look at what makes eggs so good for you. 

Egg Nutrition

Eggs contain many nutrients that make them one of the planet’s top superfoods. One large boiled egg has only about 77 calories yet contains:

  • Every vitamin except for vitamin C
  • All essential minerals
  • Six grams of protein
  • Five grams of healthy fats
  • Barely any sugar or carbs
  • Antioxidants 
  • Choline

Vitamins in Eggs

Eggs are a substantial source of vitamins. This is because eggs must contain all of the vitamins necessary to grow an animal. Remarkably, eggs contain every vitamin except for vitamin C. Birds can synthesize vitamin C from glucose, and, therefore, don’t need it from the egg. 

Eating a whole egg, including the yolk, provides a healthy punch of vitamins that can help you satisfy your daily needs. By eating just two whole eggs, you can obtain 10-30% of your daily vitamin requirements.

On average, one whole egg (50 grams) contains:

  • 10% daily value of vitamin A
  • 15% daily value of vitamin D
  • 15% daily value of vitamin E
  • 2% daily value of vitamin B1
  • 18% daily value of vitamin B2
  • 15% daily value of vitamin B5
  • 7% daily value of vitamin B6
  • 50% daily value of vitamin B12

Minerals in Eggs

Eggs contain many minerals that are essential for a wide range of bodily processes including cardiovascular health, immunity, and fertility. On average, one whole egg or 50 grams of an egg contains:

  • 6% daily value of iron
  • 2% daily value of iron
  • 6% daily value of zinc
  • 14% daily value of phosphorous
  • 1% daily value of potassium
  • 3% daily value of sodium
  • 4% daily value of copper
  • 2% daily value of magnesium
  • 1% daily value of manganese
  • 28% daily value of selenium

Protein and Fat in Eggs

Eggs are a great low-cost source of animal protein and essential fats. The egg yolk primarily consists of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL), which are both fat and protein. These lipoproteins are known as cholesterol. 

While eggs contain high amounts of cholesterol, they do not increase the risk of heart disease in healthy individuals.[1] Nor is there any credible link between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels.

Are eggs good for you

Eggs and Heart Disease

Since the 1970s, studies have inaccurately claimed that eggs increase the risk of heart disease in healthy people. However, recent research suggests that eating eggs does not impact your risk for heart disease.

A meta-analysis looking at numerous studies found that individuals with heart disease risk factors can safely consume seven eggs per week as part of a healthy diet.   Similarly, Harvard researchers studying more than 80,000 female nurses found that consuming about an egg a day was not associated with a higher risk of heart disease.

Other research shows that eating eggs may even reduce the risk of heart disease. One study following half a million Chinese adults found that people who ate eggs daily had a 14% lower risk of major cardiac events, an 11% lower risk of CVD, a 12% lower risk of ischemic heart disease, and an 18% lower risk of CVD death.

The Cholesterol Myth

Much of the misinformation about eggs is due to the fact that eggs are the most cholesterol-rich food. One egg yolk contains around 237 mg of cholesterol. But eating foods rich in cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol levels. 

In fact, eating a diet high in carbohydrates (not cholesterol) is likely the primary factor for high cholesterol levels. Studies show that eating more than 60% of your calories from carbohydrates raises blood cholesterol levels.

Carbs spike your insulin levels, which causes the cells in your body to produce more LDL cholesterol. When LDL levels are elevated, cholesterol accumulates in the artery walls, which causes inflammation and oxidation. This can lead to the development of heart disease and other complications such as stroke.

By eating eggs and other foods that are low in sugars and carbohydrates, you can reduce your insulin levels and stabilize your cholesterol levels.

Numerous studies show that eggs consistently increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol. And 70% of people experience no increase in total or LDL cholesterol. Some people may experience a mild increase in a benign subtype of LDL that does not affect cardiovascular function.

Health Benefits of Eggs

With their robust offering of healthy fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, it’s no surprise that eggs offer a variety of health benefits supporting our bodies’ most critical functions. 

Improved Fertility

Eggs are a fertility superfood because they contain essential nutrients for conception including Vitamin A, E, B12, folate, selenium, and zinc. 

Fatty acids are also an important nutrient in eggs that promote fertility. Research shows that consuming omega-3 fatty acids improves fertility in women. Men’s fertility may also benefit from eating eggs. Shockingly, 30-80% of male subfertility (a delay in conceiving) is due to oxidative stress. Eggs naturally contain antioxidants, which combat oxidative stress and improve sperm quality in men. Eggs also support male fertility by providing a natural source of selenium, vitamin B12, and vitamin E ,which together reduce sperm DNA damage, and increase sperm count, motility, and morphology.

Most of the nutrients that support fertility are in the egg yolk, so don’t forget to eat the whole egg! 

Safe Fetal Development

Eggs contain many nutrients that promote safe fetal development. 


Iron helps transport oxygen throughout the body. It also supports physical growth, neurological development, cellular functioning, and hormone synthesis. Pregnant women need adequate iron levels to help babies grow. Low iron intakes can increase the risk of:

  • Maternal and infant mortality
  • Premature birth
  • Low birthweight
  • Impaired cognitive and behavioral development

Vitamin B12 

B12 crosses the placenta during pregnancy and is present in breast milk. This vitamin is responsible for:

  • Red blood cell formation
  • Neurological function
  • DNA synthesis

Obtaining adequate vitamin B12 during pregnancy and after birth can prevent complications such as:

  • Development delays
  • Failure to thrive
  • Movement disorders
  • Developmental delays
  • Anemia


Hard-boiled eggs are the second-best source of choline after beef liver. One large egg contains 147 mg of choline, which is 25% of the recommended daily value. The egg yolk contains the majority of choline.

Surprisingly, 90-95% of pregnant women don’t consume the recommended amount of choline. Low choline levels in pregnancy can result in neural tube defects. Eating eggs before and during pregnancy can improve choline levels and reduce the risk of birth defects.

Better Heart Health

Eggs contain many beneficial nutrients that may reduce your risk of heart disease. Vitamins A, E, B2, B6, and B12 dilate blood vessels and reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. This can prevent complications such as:

  • Angina pectoris (chest pain)
  • Atherosclerosis (buildup of plaque in the artery walls)
  • Myocardial infarction (heart attack)

Moreover, egg yolk contains antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which reduce plasma triglyceride (fat) levels and maintain total cholesterol levels. This decreases your risk of heart disease.

The HDL (good) cholesterol in eggs also possesses antioxidant properties. HDL cholesterol counteracts the effects of LDL cholesterol by removing cholesterol from your bloodstream.

Reduced Risk of Chronic Disease

Eating eggs may reduce your risk of chronic disease by bolstering your immune system. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that plays an important role in immune function. Vitamin E protects your cells from damaging molecules and may prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.  The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin in egg yolk can protect against cataracts and macular degeneration.

The zinc found in eggs also supports immune health by aiding your immune system in the destruction of bacteria and viruses.  

Stronger Bones

Eggs promote bone health because they contain vitamin D, magnesium, and calcium. 

One large egg contains 6% of the recommended daily value of vitamin D. Low vitamin D levels can lead to complications including, Rickets, Osteomalacia, and Osteoporosis.

Adding eggs to your diet can increase your vitamin D intake and strengthen your bones.

Improved Brain Health

As mentioned earlier, eggs are the second-best source of choline. Choline is a nutrient that influences brain health by regulating:

  • Cellular maintenance and growth
  • Neurotransmission
  • Brain development
  • Memory
  • Mood
  • Muscle control

Eating eggs can provide you with the necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy state of mind and avoid complications such as depression.

Enhanced Muscle Strength

Eating whole eggs is a great way to build and maintain muscle. Eggs provide protein along with magnesium–an essential mineral for proper neuromuscular functioning. The magnesium in eggs can enhance:

  • Muscle strength
  • Muscle power
  • Muscle performance
  • Cardiorespiratory endurance

Weight Loss

Making eggs a daily addition to your diet may promote weight loss while maintaining muscle mass. 

Researchers conducted a study with overweight and obese older adults and found that participants lost around 3% of their body weight while eating three whole eggs per day over 12 weeks. Moreover, no changes in muscle composition occurred.

Not All Eggs Are Equal

It’s important to keep in mind that not all eggs are equal. Depending on a hen’s living conditions, her eggs can differ in nutritional value.

Unfortunately, hens are often raised in factories, caged, and fed grain-based feed that reduces the final nutrient composition of their eggs. 

Eating eggs that come from hens raised in better conditions yields a higher nutritional value compared to commercial systems. This includes free-range or pastured eggs, organic eggs, and homestead eggs. 

When possible, it’s best to buy omega-3 enriched eggs or pastured eggs, which are healthier and more nutritious. But conventional supermarket eggs are still a good option if you don’t have access to alternatives.

Are Eggs Good for You? The Bottom Line

Contrary to popular belief, eggs don’t cause heart disease in healthy individuals — they actually offer protective benefits by helping to regulate your insulin and cholesterol levels.

The health benefits of eggs support:

  • Fertility
  • Fetal development
  • Heart health
  • Immune support
  • Bone health
  • Brain health
  • Muscle strength
  • Weight loss 

The best way to get the most nutrients from eggs is to eat both the egg yolk and egg whites. Many people shy away from eating the egg yolk due to the misconceptions surrounding cholesterol. But the egg yolk contains the majority of nutrients.

Consider buying pastured eggs, free-range eggs, or omega-3 enriched eggs. These eggs provide a boost in nutrients compared to commercial eggs.

To learn more about eating a diet low in sugars and carbs, you can check out our free keto guide


Keto for PCOS

Keto for PCOS: Everything You Need to Know

A keto diet for PCOS targets the links between high carbohydrate foods, chronic inflammation, and increased insulin levels associated with PCOS. 

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that affects the ovaries and ovulation in women of childbearing age. PCOS is associated with three main symptoms:

  • Causing cysts in the ovaries
  • High levels of male hormones
  • Irregular or skipped periods

PCOS is the most common cause of infertility in women, affecting between 10% and 18% of women of childbearing age. 

Yet, because it’s rarely diagnosed until later in life when women are trying to get pregnant, less than half of women with PCOS know they have it. This means millions of women are living with PCOS, and likely suffering from infertility, without knowing why. 

Read on to discover if you may have PCOS, and the simple dietary changes you can make to treat it. 

Fast Facts About Keto for PCOS

  • Roughly 1 in 10 women have PCOS, making it one of the most common conditions causing infertility. 
  • PCOS often goes undiagnosed until a woman is found to be infertile. 
  • Common symptoms of PCOS include irregular or absent menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth, and infertility.
  • A high-carbohydrate diet may be the primary contributing factor of PCOS
  • Carbohydrates cause inflammation and hormonal disturbances–the root causes of PCOS.
  • PCOS is often treated with diabetes medications that target blood sugar and insulin levels. 
  • Keto is a high fat, ultra low carb diet that reduces blood sugar and insulin.

Why Keto for PCOS

Keto is an effective treatment for PCOS because it targets the underlying causes of PCOS, not just the symptoms. Keto means eating high-fat and ultra-low carbs. By cutting carbs you dramatically reduce glucose in your blood. 


High glucose levels in the blood is likely the root cause of PCOS. Glucose can lead to PCOS in two primary ways: (1) By creating chronic hormonal disturbances. (2) By causing chronic oxidative stress–what we commonly call inflammation. 

Hormonal disturbances

Glucose raises insulin levels. There is strong evidence that high insulin levels, a condition known as hyperinsulinemia, is a primary factor in developing PCOS.  . Hyperinsulinemia leads to PCOS by inhibiting sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) synthesis, which in turn increases the levels of male sex hormones (androgens) in women.  

High levels of testosterone and other male sex hormones disturb proper ovulation by inhibiting the production of progesterone while keeping estrogen levels elevated. These hormonal imbalances cause follicles that were supposed to mature and release from the ovary, to remain attached to and continue to grow or to leave behind a sac. The remaining sac can reseal and fill with fluid causing a cyst. Over time you can see the build-up of these cysts with an ultrasound. 

Other hormonal symptoms associated PCOS include excessive hair growth, weight gain, and decreased sex drive, among others.

Oxidative stress

Carbohydrate consumption has been shown to cause inflammation and oxidative stress in a host of studies . And PCOS is an inflammatory disease, so it’s no surprise that carbohydrate consumption is a key factor in PCOS.   Studies show that for women with PCOS, eating diets high in carbohydrates leads to oxidative stress and cellular inflammatory responses.  

The excess male hormones in women with PCOS can exacerbate inflammatory cells, even when you’re not eating carbs. Those same cells that were first activated by eating carbohydrates, then further stressed by male hormones, become even more susceptible to inflammation from carbs (glucose).

Studies show that women with PCOS have higher percentages of abdominal fat than women without PCOS. This finding is true even for women who are not overweight. For women with PCOS, this abdominal fat is a site of chronic inflammation. And even when you take medication to treat the hormone imbalance associated with PCOS, you are still susceptible to inflammation, even in normal weight women. 

Keto for PCOS: What the Studies Say

Though the mainstream medical world is still catching up with keto, recent studies show promising results for treating PCOS.

A study looking at women with PCOS who went keto for six months found that participants lost an average of 12% of their body weight and dropped their insulin levels by 54%.   This is remarkable because the hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS make it very difficult to lose weight. 

Another wide-ranging analysis looking at PCOS and infertility showed that reducing insulin resistance was the key factor in treating PCOS and increasing fertility.

A  2017 review of seven high-quality studies looking at the effects of low carbohydrate diets on fertility hormones in overweight and obese women found convincing evidence that reducing carbohydrate load can reduce circulating insulin levels, improve hormonal imbalance and result in the resumption of ovulation. All these factors were shown to improve pregnancy rates.

Keto for PCOS Guidelines       

Here are a few simple guidelines and a list of effective supplements to help you create the keto for PCOS plan that works for you.

Enjoy a high fat, very low carb diet 

Try setting a goal to start below 50 grams total carbohydrates per day. Spend a few days settling into your dietary routine where you’re getting 70-80% of your calories from fat, then reduce your carbohydrate intake by 5-10 grams per day to increase your ketone levels while putting your fat burning capacity into overdrive. 

Intermittent Fasting

Take advantage of the natural overnight fasting hours by skipping breakfast and eating at lunchtime. When 12 hours have passed since your dinner the night before, the body officially enters a “fasted” state and will automatically begin burning fat for fuel. When you get the hang of twelve hours in between meals, try extending to 16 hours. Benefits of intermittent fasting include fat loss, insulin sensitivity, the starvation of bad gut bacteria, neurological improvement, and reduced inflammation. 


Mild exercising for a minimum of 30-45 minutes 4x/week will get your body burning fat and producing ketones while cutting weight and regulating insulin. If you’re curious about yoga, or just getting started, this guide will help you find the practice that’s right for you. 


Water is critical to treating and recovering from PCOS. Water transports hormones to different parts of the body, clears harmful toxins, and carries essential nutrients to reproductive organs.

Natural Supplements

this page supplement section needs to highlight molecular fertility inositol, vitamin d, and peak prenatal which has lots of zinc, b9, and magnesium

Research shows that certain supplements co together with keto to help with hormone regulation, insulin resistance, and inflammation associated with PCOS.  However, since supplements are not regulated by the FDA, and may interfere with other PCOS treatments, we recommend consulting with your physician before taking any of the following: 

  • Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity in several studies, including a trial in women with PCOS. Seven women with PCOS took one tablespoon of ACV per day. After 40 days, 4 of the women resumed ovulating, 6 experienced a measurable reduction in insulin resistance, and 5 had a decrease in their LH/FSH ratio, which means they had less androgen production. Intake: 1-2 tablespoons per day.
  • Magnesium deficiency reduces insulin sensitivity and increases nerve excitability, leading to more stress, more tension, and more PCOS symptoms. It can be difficult to get enough magnesium on a ketogenic diet. We recommend a general magnesium supplement.
  • Zinc is essential for the functioning of enzymes, hormones, and the immune system. A deficiency in zinc can cause a hormonal imbalance and make PCOS worse. Additionally, excessive or unwanted hair growth and alopecia may be improved with zinc supplements. 
  • Peak Prenatal Supplement from Molecular Fertility, offers a combination of high-quality zinc, b9, and magnesium.

molecular fertility peak prenatal


  • Inositol, a sugar alcohol compound found in foods like citrus fruits and nuts, inositol is one of the most well-studied PCOS supplements. Most notably, inositol appears to promote ovulation and fertility. Countless studies have shown that inositol supplementation may also improve insulin resistance and decrease male hormones in the bloodstream. molecular fertility inositol
  • Vitamin B9 is essential for women with PCOS who are trying to start a family. To improve fertility, researchers suggest that women who are at a healthy weight should take 400 micrograms of folic acid, and obese or overweight women should take 5 mg of folic acid. If a diagnosis of MTHFR gene has been determined, supplementing with L-methylfolate or 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF). You also can get plenty of folate by eating low-carb keto-friendly leafy greens like collard greens, asparagus. 
  • Vitamin D is a hormone produced by the kidneys.  It is vital to the endocrine system and is a very common deficiency in women with PCOS. Vitamin D and calcium may improve irregular periods and restore ovulation. When supplementing with vitamin D it is important to also supplement with magnesium. This is because vitamin D uses magnesium for absorption. If you don’t have enough magnesium, vitamin D can cause a magnesium deficiency. 
  • Molecular fertility vitamin D  supplement formulated with vitamin D3 ( cholecalciferol), is more potent and better-absorbed, compared to D2.  And due to patented VESIsorb® technology, it is also far more absorbent than to standard Vitamin D3.

molecular fertility D3

While on your PCOS road to recovery, you may want to consult with a Registered Dietitian, Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE), and/or your Primary Care Physician. They can order different blood tests that will confirm how well the new diet and lifestyle are working for you.

Key Takeaway

Diets high in carbohydrates increase blood glucose levels resulting in high insulin levels and oxidative stress. These are the primary factors that lead to PCOS. 

High insulin levels cause hormone imbalances, and oxidative stress causes inflammation that damages every cell in the body. 

By restricting carbohydrates, a keto diet lowers insulin levels and reduces inflammation, making it a powerful tool for treating the root causes of PCOS.  


Organ meat recipe: Liver

8 Organ Meat Recipes to Try Next

Most of us have grown up seeing and eating only muscle meats, which means the idea of nose-to-tail eating can feel downright strange. That’s why when it comes to these organ meat recipes, your mindset is key. 

Did you know that thoughts are things?  The way you think about organ meats will go a long way in determining how you experience them. We encourage you to view the process of cooking with organ meats as a return to how humans have evolved to eat

If you’re going to get started with organ meats, see if you can find a curiosity and desire to try new things for the sake of your health and longevity. 

Let’s take a look at 8 traditional organ meat recipes designed to help you get comfortable with the most nutritious foods on earth.


Liver recipe: Liver and onion meatballs

“Liver has ranked above all other offal as one of the most prized culinary delights,” proclaims a 1974 book called Innards and Other Variety Meats. “Its heritage is illustrious — whether savored by young warriors after a kill or mixed with truffles and cognac for fine patés de foie gras.” 

In addition to being one of the most treasured organ meats, liver is also one of the easiest organs to get started with. As long as you cook it right! The below organ meat recipe should help with that.

Liver and onion meatballs

This entry-level organ dish is simple and satisfying. 

The ingredients:

  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1/4 lb beef liver (finely chopped/minced)
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

The process:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350.
  2. Combine ground beef and beef liver by hand in a large mixing bowl.
  3. Mix in garlic powder, cinnamon, black pepper, and salt. 
  4. Form the meat into meatballs (approximately 1-2 ounces each).
  5. Place meatballs in a baking dish and bake for 20 minutes.
  6. Let cool slightly, then enjoy! 

Extra tip: 

If you’ve tried this recipe and still find liver’s taste a little too bitter, soaking it in raw milk for roughly 8 hours beforehand should fix things.   

Tongue recipe: beef tongue taco salad

Tongue is actually more of a muscle than an organ. Compared to other organ meats, beef tongue takes some extra preparation. But we think you’ll find its rich and fatty flavor more than worth it. 

Thankfully for all of us, the Mexican culture got beef tongue prep down long ago. This organ meat recipe is a keto-friendly take on traditional tacos, which — believe it or not — are made with tongue.  

Beef tongue taco meat

Classic tacos with a keto twist. 

The ingredients:

  • Beef tongue (1 tongue)
  • Salt and garlic to taste
  • Bay leaf

The process: 

  1. Place the beef tongue in a slow cooker and cover it full with water. 
  2. Add your garlic, bay leaf, and salt. 
  3. Cover and cook on “low” for 8 hours (try doing this overnight).
  4. Remove the tongue and shred it into strands with a fork. 
  5. Season with extra salt.
  6. Bonus step: fry your portion of tongue in some grass-fed suet. 
  7. Enjoy! 

Heart recipe: beef heart steak

Heart, like tongue, is both an organ meat and muscle meat. The heart was a favorite organ of many native American cultures. 

Heart is also ideal for those new to organ meats. It looks and tastes less organ-y than many other options — especially when prepared as follows. 

Beef heart steak

Quick, simple, and practically guaranteed to keep steak-lovers happy. 

The ingredients:

  • 1 beef heart (~4 pounds)
  • 2 tablespoons grass-fed ghee
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • butter oil (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

The process: 

  1. Slice your beef heart into pieces from top to bottom. Remove any veins. 
  2. Don’t remove the fatty covering — it’ll prevent your steaks from getting too dry later. 
  3. Place slices into apple cider vinegar and marinate for at least 8 hours.
  4. Remove heart slices from the vinegar and pat them dry.
  5. Heat a skillet with ghee for roughly one minute, or until you hear sizzling.
  6. Place heart slices onto the skillet. They should really sizzle! 
  7. Cook slices for 5 minutes, then flip. 
  8. Remove from heat when slices are golden brown on the outside but still rare in the middle. 
  9. Drizzle with butter oil.

Kidneys recipe: Kidneys in butter-mustard sauce

The official role of an animal’s kidneys may be to filter blood, but when it comes to delicious cuisine, the kidneys serve a different role entirely. 

For this recipe, we’ll be taking some inspiration from a culture that has arguably the richest culinary history of them all: the French.  

Kidney in butter-mustard sauce

This Julia-Child-inspired recipe provides a look at French cuisine’s best. 

  • 1 beef kidney
  • 4 tablespoons softened butter
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 2 tablespoons dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste

The process:

  1. Place 2 tablespoons of softened butter and the mustard in a ramekin and mix well.
  2. Prepare the kidney by trimming off excess fat and connective tissues.
  3. Heat your other 2 tablespoons of butter in a pan over medium-high heat. 
  4. After the butter has stopped foaming, add the whole kidney to the pan. 
  5. Cook for ~10 minutes, and be sure to turn the kidney over several times. 
  6. Leaving the heat on, remove the kidney from the pan and set aside. 
  7. Add wine and lemon juice to the pan and bring it to a boil.
  8. Once roughly half the liquid has boiled off, remove the pan from the heat. 
  9. Add the mustard butter into the pan and stir well.. 
  10. (When in doubt, just add more butter!)
  11. Add your kidney back to the pan, which is now home to a rich sauce. 
  12. Remove everything from heat and enjoy.

Brain recipe: Brains and eggs

Composed of roughly 60% fat, the brain is the fattiest organ in the entire body. 

And all that fat means it’s easy to cook with. Brain is considered a delicacy in many cultures. This recipe capitalizes on the brain’s supple texture and flavor by pairing it with soft-cooked eggs. 

Brains and eggs

An Eastern Kentucky throwback, brains, and eggs are nutritious and deeply satisfying.

The ingredients:

  • I set brains
  • 6 eggs (free-range if possible)
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • Salt to taste

The process:

  1. Wash the brain and remove all of its outer membranes.
  2. Soak the brain for 1 hour in a pot of salted, cold water.
  3. Pour the water out, but keep the brain in the pot.
  4. Add fresh cold water and bring the brain to a boil. 
  5. Boil for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. 
  6. Drain the pot, then plunge the brain into cold water to cool. 
  7. Remove the brain from water and slice it into thin pieces.
  8. Place cooked brain into a mixing bowl with eggs. 
  9. Place butter onto a heated skillet. 
  10. Pour the brains and eggs into the skillet, stirring often.
  11. Cook until eggs are just barely “set up.”
  12. Enjoy! 

Sweetbreads recipe: Crispy sweetbreads

Sweetbreads probably aren’t what you think they are. They’re not especially sweet nor bready. The term sweetbread actually refers to an animal’s thymus and pancreas! Don’t let that scare you, though —this organ meat recipe makes sweetbreads quite palatable. 

Crispy sweetbreads

The organ meat equivalent to friend chicken. 

The ingredients:

  • Sweetbreads
  • 4 tablespoons suet or duck fat
  • ¼ cup coconut flour
  • 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar 
  • Salt to taste

The process: 

  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. 
  2. Turn the heat down slightly, then stir in salt and red wine vinegar.
  3. Immediately add your sweetbreads, then cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Drain the sweetbreads and run them under cold water until cooled.
  5. Dry the sweetbreads off with a paper towel, then transfer them to a clean plate. 
  6. Place another plate on top of the sweetbreads, weighing it down with cans, packages of frozen beef, or anything else with some heftiness to it! 
  7. Once flattened, cut your sweetbreads into half-inch slices. 
  8. Place slices into a bowl and coat with coconut flour.
  9. Heat 4 tablespoons of duck fat over medium-high heat in a large skillet. 
  10. Add half the sweetbreads and fry for 3-5 minutes until golden brown.
  11. Flip sweetbreads over and fry for 2-3 minutes until golden brown on the other side.
  12. Transfer the sweetbreads to a plate, add the second batch of sweetbreads to the skillet, and repeat the process. 
  13. Enjoy!

Tripe recipe: Haggis

Tripe is the lining of an animal’s stomach — most frequently a cow’s. Tripe and other innards were prized among Native American tribes, and they continue to be prized in many international cuisines today.  

This recipe is Scotland’s most famous dish: haggis. Haggis is a type of savory pudding made out of lamb or sheep’s offal, spices, onions, and suet. This tasty blend is then cooked inside an animal’s stomach. 


Our plant-toxin-free version of haggis might be almost as good as the original. 

The ingredients:

  • 1 sheep stomach
  • 1 sheep liver
  • 1 sheep heart
  • 1 sheep tongue
  • 1/2 pound suet, minced
  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 1 teaspoon allspice
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

The process: 

  1. Rinse the stomach and soak in cold, salted water overnight.
  2. Rinse the other organs: liver, heart, and tongue.
  3. Cook all organs (except the stomach!) in a large pot over medium heat for 2 hours. 
  4. Remove organs, then mince them. 
  5. Combine all minced organs in a large bowl.  Stir in salt and spices.
  6. Remove the stomach from its water bath and fill it 2/3rds of the way with this mixture. Sew or tie the stomach closed. 
  7. Use a fork to put a few small holes in the stomach. (This will keep the haggis from bursting later.)
  8. Gently place the filled stomach in a large pot of boiling water and cook it over high heat for 3 hours.
  9. Tada! You’ve got haggis. Let it cool slightly, then enjoy. 

Bone marrow recipe: Roasted bone marrow

“The Victorians were right,” Jennifer McLagan said in her 2005 cookbook, Bones. “[Bone marrow] is a health food and definitely way too good for the dog.”

It’ true: bone marrow is basically a fat-bomb of nutritional goodness.  It’s easy to prepare, easy to cook, and easy to enjoy. Just make sure you have a special marrow spoon to partake of it with. 

Roasted bone marrow

The ingredients:

  • 4 marrow bones 
  • Salt to taste

The process: 

  1. Fill a large bowl with cold, salted water. 
  2. Add the marrow bones and refrigerate for 12-24 hours. 
  3. Drain the bones and pat them dry. (Be sure to roast the now-soaked marrow bones within 24 hours.)
  4. Preheat your oven to 450°F.
  5. Place the marrow bones on a roasting pan and roast for 15-25 minutes. Look for the marrow to start puffing slightly.
  6. Test to see if the marrow bones are done by sticking a metal skewer into the center of the bone. Remove the skewer and quickly touch it — it should be very hot.   
  7. Serve the roasted bone marrow right away, and have fun using your fancy marrow spoon! 

Beef Bone Marrow

Bonus recipe: Organ meat stew

If you’ve gone through the above organ meat recipes and are still feeling adventurous, dip into this bonus recipe.

It’s actually more of a set of guidelines because virtually any organ meats can be tossed into organ meat stew. Feel free to get creative depending on what you have on hand. 

Organ meat stew

This simple-but-satisfying stew is a perfect pick-me-up for those cold, cloudy days. 

The ingredients:

  • Any organ meats you want
  • Soup bones (recommended)
  • Oxtail (recommended)
  • Apple cider vinegar (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

The process:

  1. Begin by preparing the organs. If you’re including heart, then trim off its connective tissues and vessels. 
  2. Cut organs into 1 inch cubes and add everything to a large pot.
  3. Season with salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of apple cider vinegar.
  4. Fill the pot with water or bone broth. 
  5. Bring everything to a boil, then lower the heat down to a simmer. 
  6. Simmer for 2-3 hours. Your stew will be done once the heart gets very tender. 

The Bottom Line on Organ Meat Recipes

There’s far more to an animal-based diet than steak and eggs. Organ meats are highly nutritious, packed with hard-to-get bioavailable nutrients, and highly tasty. There’s really no better way to nourish your body than by incorporating these natural superfoods. 

Neglecting organ meats is only neglecting yourself. Try one or all of the above organ meat recipes and you’ll see how easy it is to incorporate organ meats into your lifestyle! Though the idea of organs might seem strange at first, it doesn’t have to stay that way. Trying something new, in this case, can have profound effects on your health. 


Yoga for Beginners

Yoga for Beginners: Take This Quiz to Find Your Style

Finding the right yoga can be tricky. This quiz swaps trial and error for a more  “scientific” approach to matching beginners with the right type of yoga. 

Discovering your perfect yoga match

There are many types of yoga for beginners. To discover your yoga match let’s first explore the type of person you are. Each year two million people take a personality test called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).  We thought it would be great if there was a version of the Myers-Briggs test that harmonized your personality style with your perfect yoga match. So we made one for you. 

As you take the quiz, be sure to keep track of the number of times you chose either A,B,C,or D, as an answer.

Yoga For Beginners: The Quiz

1. What is your approach to planning a vacation?

A – I like to make sure I know exactly where I’m staying and have a daily itinerary mapped out.

B – I plan logistics like hotel and transportation well beforehand. Then I begin daydreaming about the vision of my trip.

C – Before I go, I research and take notes. I want to know the best restaurants, beaches, trails, and hotels, and bring a list with me. Otherwise, I don’t mind spontaneity.

D – I pack a bag and go. I prefer to leave my options open and keeps things exciting.

2. My favorite kind of menu experience looks like…

A – An intricate five-course menu chosen and planned by the chef.

B – A well-considered menu in a single genre that I’m craving. Pictures are helpful.

C – An interesting, new dining experience with clear descriptions of what’s in each dish.

D – A build-your-own situation with lots of delicious options.

3. How do you select music when you exercise?

A – The same playlist in the same order, every time. It helps me keep track of my pacing.

B – I create playlists with general themes, and I choose one based on the vibe I want.

C – All of my favorite songs, on shuffle.

D – I like the freedom to keep it fluid and switch it up in the middle of a walk.

4. You’re writing a memoir. Where do you begin?

A – By creating an organized outline of significant memories, and getting the facts right.

B – By reading a book on memoir writing, then I’d consider the themes of my life, and maybe create a vision board.

C – By surrounding myself with important objects and symbols from my life. Then I would journal, paying attention to the little moments of significance. 

D – I would consider the patterns throughout my life, and where they meet, created the quilt of where I am today.

5. What is your favorite post-workout feeling?

A – Accomplished and successful.

B – Balanced and appreciative.

C – Inspired and uplifted.

D – Blissed out and nourished.

6. When it comes to self-care…

A – I wake up at the same time every day. Without my routine, my day feels off.

B – I am all about intention setting, and I love a good self-help book. 

C – I care a lot about my space. I like to light a candle, put essential oils in the bath. The small things fill me up.

D – I go with the flow. Any kind of routine feels like the opposite of self-care.

7. The first time I baked a souffle, my process was…

A – I had the recipe open on the counter. I measured everything precisely before beginning.

B – I found the recipe with the nicest picture. I love inspirational foodie blogs.

C – I bought all the highest quality ingredients. I missed a few steps in the recipe but I made it work.

D – I watched a cooking show, used the ingredients that I had on hand, and went for it. It didn’t turn out perfectly, but it satisfied my craving for something sweet!

8. Choose the sentence that describes you best.

A – I am conscientious, responsible, and organized.

B – I am insightful, attuned, and see the big picture.

C – I am flexible, sensitive, and notice small details.

D – I am an adaptable idealist and see possibilities.

What’s my perfect yoga match?

Mostly A’s

You’re organized and detailed, You crave order and thrive in environments that are conscientious, traditional, and systematic. Types of yoga that are systematic, alignment-focused, and traditional may work in harmony with your personality.

For a lower to medium intensity yoga for beginners, try: Iyengar

Iyengar yoga is systematic, traditional, and precise. Iyengar classes focus on alignment between all levels of a person: physical, intellectual, and spiritual.  Props are used generously to support every kind of body and its abilities. In a traditional Iyengar class, you will not find any music, but your body will be well-aligned and challenged through precision.

For a higher intensity class, try: Ashtanga

Ashtanga yoga for beginners follows a systematic sequence that’s the same each class. Ashtanga yoga is a more advanced traditional vinyasa style class. And it’s guaranteed to make you sweat. You’ll be introduced to sanskrit names of poses and feel challenged on many levels.

Mostly B’s

You seek meaning and deeper understanding. You easily pick up on patterns and themes. You may prefer long-term planning and goal-setting over logistical details. Types of yoga in harmony for your personality are infused with philosophy and give you a structured container that supports a bigger life vision. 

For a lower to medium intensity class, try: Hatha

Hatha classes can vary, but adhere to traditional postures and yogic philosophy. This makes hatha a great yoga for beginners. Hatha classes are accessible to almost all body types and strength and energy levels. Hatha is a sanskrit word, linking ‘sun’ and ‘moon’– a great metaphor for the goal of balancing steady and easeful energy in the body. Though the postures might change from class to class, the emphasis on maintaining balance is constant.

For a medium to high intensity class, try: Kundalini

Kundalini is a unique style that is quite different from your run-of-the-mill yoga for beginners class. In a Kundalini class, you will hold interesting postures for longer periods of time, do breathwork, and chant. In terms of intensity, these classes can be quite challenging mentally and often physically, but you will likely leave with a feeling of inner vibrancy and gratitude.

Mostly C’s

You may be quite flexible and adaptable. You could also be sensitive and pick up on nuances and small details with ease. You may enjoy meeting new people, exploring new environments, and trying new things. Types of yoga that are philosophically interesting, detailed in alignment, but that vary in structure from class to class may work well with your curious yet adaptable personality.

For a lower to medium intensity class, try: Yin

Yin yoga for beginners is based in Chinese Taoist philosophy and seeks to balance the yang, or more active, qualities of life with yin, or more receptive, energy. With a detailed and intricate philosophical foundation, yin cares for the body’s joints, fascia, and sore muscles with longer holds, focused breath, and stillness. Yin is quiet, slow, but not lacking in intensity, especially if you tend to be busy. The qualities make yin a great yoga for beginners option. 

For a medium to higher intensity class, try: Anusara

Anusara yoga is rooted in spiritual oneness and intrinsic goodness. Class themes are woven throughout alignment-specific postures. In an anusara class, your body is the expression of spiritual principles. Anusara classes are strong, filled with many heart openers, as well as inspiring messages that will leave you satisfied and glowing.

Mostly D’s

You are deep, imaginative, and spontaneous. You thrive in new and exciting environments where you can adapt quickly and stimulate your enthusiastic self. Types of yoga that are innovative, spacious, and that offer many options will support your craving to keep things fresh and open.

For a low-intensity class, try: Restorative

Restorative yoga is all about relaxation. In a restorative class, postures are low to the ground, held for up to ten minutes, and generously supported by props to promote total rejuvenation of the body, mind, and spirit. Restorative classes target restoration of the nervous system, which will leave you feeling calm, rested, and ready to go with the flow of your life.

For a medium to higher intensity class, try: Vinyasa

Vinyasa classes vary tremendously but share a commonality: linking breath with movement to support a moving meditation. Vinyasa classes can be fun, exciting, challenging, and can even feel like a flowy, choreographed dance set to a fun soundtrack. In a typical vinyasa class, there are many options to support your level or interest on any given day. You will leave having had a good workout and recharged with vitality.

Yoga for Beginners: The Outlook

There are numerous yoga styles for beginners that fit pretty much any personality.  If you’re new to yoga or looking to pick it up again after a break, knowing your personality type can be the key to finding the right type of yoga for you.




sun streaming through hand in meditation mudra

How to Meditate: A Guide to Mindfulness for Beginners

Have you been wanting to start a mindfulness meditation practice but don’t know where to start? Or have you tried and failed? You might be relieved to hear that there is no one-size-fits-all version of mindfulness meditation. What you hear on an app, a social media post, or from a family member, may not be an approach that works for you. And that’s okay! This doesn’t mean you can’t meditate. It just means you need to know all your options and a little how-to. 

This guide will help you find a way to connect with the practice that works for you. 

What is mindfulness meditation?

Mindfulness meditation is the intentional awareness and nonjudgmental acceptance of your moment-to-moment experience.

It begins at the most obvious levels of experience by noticing sounds in the room, your breath, or the sensations in your body. 

As you get better at noticing these experiences—not through perfect focus, but by being willing to start over, again and again—you begin to notice subtler aspects of experience. 

You begin to change how your nervous system responds to things that would normally feed anxiety, depression, and addictive behaviors. It allows you to see people—including yourself— more clearly, without thick layers of judgment and bias. 

Mindfulness meditation allows us to examine how and why we see the world the way we do; “I am flawed.” “I am unlovable.” “No one can be trusted.” The presence of these thought patterns is like looking at life through grubby sunglasses that we don’t even know we’re wearing. Once we notice them, we can remove them. So in the long run, the goal of mindfulness is liberation from these false and limiting ways of looking at life. 

Proven Benefits of Meditation

Some of the life-changing ways meditation has been proven to benefit your mind and body include:

  • Reduced stress.
  • Reduced anxiety levels.
  • Reduced depression.
  • Greater awareness of your thought habits, and ability to create constructive habits.
  • Enhanced attention and memory.
  • Improvements in age-related memory loss.
  • Increased attention, memory, and mental quickness in older people.
  • More creative problem-solving skills.
  • Increase in compassion toward yourself and others.
  • Control over food cravings.
  • Control over alcohol cravings, and alcohol use.
  • Improves sleep.
  • Helps control pain.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Reduces the severity of many disorders and diseases including irritable bowel syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, and fibromyalgia.

Benefits of meditation

What is an “anchor”? 

When meditating, the anchor is the experience that you focus your awareness on, and it won’t be the same for everyone. This is why finding the right anchor can make all the difference.

The anchor helps us train our attention. Trying to deeply notice the distorting lenses through which you experience life (those grubby glasses) without first training your attention is like trying to look through a microscope in an earthquake. 

To keep your attention, your anchor should be something that is interesting and stabilizing enough that you don’t throw your hands up in frustration. But it also needs to be something subtle enough that you have to keep making the choice to pay attention (who, for instance, has emerged from an hours-long Netflix vortex with the thought, “That really improved my focus”?).

For many people, choosing the wrong anchor can sink a mindfulness practice before it ever gets going.  This is why choosing the right anchor is so important. So let’s dive in and find yours! 

How to Meditate on your Breath

We offer the breath as an initial anchor for good reason.  The breath is always with you. It’s constantly changing in subtle ways.  And it lets you know when you’re trying too hard, because it becomes strained or uncomfortable. 

If you stick with the breath, trying to keep things natural, it can teach you how to bring the right effort into a meditation practice. Too little effort and you lose focus. Too much effort and your breath starts to feel straight-jacketed. If you choose your breath as your anchor, there are a number of things to consider:

Where do you place your focus? 

First, where will you focus on your breath? After all, breath is a whole-body event. It appears as a light drag of air against the upper lip and a whisper-touch in the nose. It may trickle across the throat and then swell in the chest. You may notice the belly softly expand or the ribcage gently flex.

If you’re especially tuned in, you might even notice how a breath raises the shoulders and then lowers them back down. You can feel its movement not just in the front of the torso, but the back as well. Maybe it’s more like a delicate thread against the left inner nostril, or an indescribable buoyancy above the diaphragm.

For others, this sort of narrow lens can feel too sleepy and closed down. You might prefer to notice the breath as a whole-body event, feeling the whole field of bodily sensations expand on a breath in, and release on a breath out. 

How do you stay focused? 

The intention, here, isn’t to drift into a nap while staying vaguely aware of your breath. The point is to become more and more aware of what is happening in the present moment. Fortunately, there are some clever ways you can frame your breath to stay interested in it. 

Counting the Breath

One of the simplest and most direct ways to stay interested is to count your breath. 

Helpful techniques include:

  • Counting from 1 to 10, and then back to 1. 
  • Count by even numbers to 20 and then odd numbers back down to 1. 
  • As you count, you could say the number once every time you breathe in,
  • You could repeat the number throughout your breath, silently repeating 1, 1, 1, 1 in your mind as you breathe in and out, and then moving on to 2, 2, 2, 2.

How to Meditate on a Focusing Phrase

Maybe you aren’t a numbers person, and all of this talk of counting makes you bored from the gates. In that case, you could identify some other phrase to repeat as you breathe. Try “Just this,” (“Just” on the inhale, and “this” on the exhale) as a way of continually reminding yourself to stick with “Just this breath.” 

The great meditation teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, offers this refrain:  “Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile,” 

Shorter versions include: 

  • “Breathing in calm. Breathing out a smile.”
  • Or simply “Calm.” “Smile.”
  • Others like to use meaningful words like “Peace”, “Love”, or “Serenity Now!” 

Note that if you count or if you use a phrase, it’s important to keep the sensations of your breath at the forefront. We’re using the phrase to point to the breath, not to replace it. 

A Word on Mantras

Sometimes people use a word or a mantra for their anchor (there are entire traditions of meditation that work this way), but this will not ultimately support mindfulness. Words and mantras alone may quiet the mind, but they also keep the mind focused on itself, rather than on the changing sensory world. If we want to get out of our heads and become more present to our experience, we need to allow some of that experience into a mindfulness practice. 

How to deepen your interest in the breath

Beyond using a number or a word to frame the breath, you can also become more interested in the actual lifespan of the breath itself. 

To do this, challenge yourself to notice: 

  • The entire length of an in-breath and the entire length of an out-breath. 
  • See if you can be interested in the gaps between in and out. 
  • Notice the details of the breath itself–the way an inhale feels cool against the nose, while an exhale feels warm by comparison. 
  • Notice the energetic effects of a breath. An exhale feels a bit more settling and relaxing, while an inhale carries subtle wakefulness. 
  • Find the most pleasant or enjoyable part of the breath and track that. 

Or, in the spirit of allowing each breath to be really new, let yourself find each successive breath in a new place in the body—now the chest, now the abdomen, now pressure in the right hip. 

The point, here, is that as we pay attention to the breath, we can make it more interesting by finding ways to become more interested. 

Looking elsewhere

With all of this said, the breath still might not be the ideal anchor for you. Maybe you have allergies or asthma that make focusing on the breath a constant chore. Maybe you have past trauma around the breath, or the breath seems to bring up trauma. Maybe for some unnamable reason, it feels awful when you focus on the breath, or like a constant strain, or simply too dull. 

Some people can have a hard time letting the breath be natural when they give it their attention, and the struggle can feel like a war of attrition. This doesn’t mean you’re doomed as a meditator, or that you’re not as good as someone who can easily focus on the breath. It simply means you need to choose a different anchor.

How to Meditate on the Body

The body can be a great alternative for an anchor if the breath isn’t working for you. Just like the breath can be approached in various ways, so can the body.

It’s a good idea to locate someplace in the body that feels relatively stable and supported. For many people, this is the: 

  • Feet,
  • Hands 
  • Seat— the points of contact between your butt and whatever you’re sitting on. 
  • Spine
  • Back 
  • “Centerline,” that sense of uprightness that hovers just in front of the spine. 


The whole body

You could also use the body as a whole, without narrowing down on any one place in particular. For people who hope to eventually transition back into using the breath, using the whole body as an anchor for a time can allow them to eventually feel the whole body breathing with a bit more ease.

It’s a good idea to spend some time searching for a place in your body that feels settling, but also interesting enough that you want to keep coming back there. Unless you’re meditating in the back of an old bus, the body will be a bit more static than the breath, but this can be an asset for people who need a greater sense of stability and support in their mindfulness practice. 


If you would like to incorporate more liveliness into using the body as an anchor, you can also cycle between a few different places in the body. Sometimes this is referred to as using “touchpoints.” 

The most classic touchpoints are the seat, the feet, and the hands. So you’d simply attend to the sensations at your seat for a given amount of time—maybe a few seconds, maybe a minute or two—before shifting to your feet. Then, after the same general amount of time, you’d shift to your hands, and continue. 

How to Meditate on Sound

Some people need to spend some time with an anchor that is entirely outside of their body. Maybe discomfort or a sense of tension and effort are too overwhelming to work with at the outset. Or maybe the body just keeps putting them to sleep. Whatever the reason, sound can provide another great option for anchoring your attention. 

When you use sound as a mindfulness anchor, you’ll begin to notice a number of unique effects it has on your mind. 

Sound can be effortless

Sound arises effortlessly, and listening to sound can be similarly effortless. If other anchors have you feeling like you’re squeezing or tensing to stay aware, sound can help you open and release. 

Spending time with sound can make a mind feel more spacious, clear, and bright—and this is especially true if you’re outside, or in nature. 

Just as with the other anchors, you can approach sound by narrowing your lens down or broadening it completely. You could pick a particular sound, such as the sound of rainfall, birdsong, or an argument happening in the other room. Or simply open up and allow yourself to receive whatever sounds arise and pass in the moment. 

If you take this latter approach, try not to play favorites with sounds. There may be sounds you don’t like, but we give these their moment, too. The training is just to steer your attention back to sound—whatever it is. 

How to Meditate on Sights

Using visual objects as mindfulness anchors is less common, but if you’re having trouble settling into another anchor, you might give it a shot. 

Candle flames

In particular, candle flames have a robust tradition as a tool for focusing the mind. To try it, simply place a lit candle (or an electric imposter) about 3-6 feet from your face. Gaze at it. After a time, you might try closing your eyes and focusing on the red dot the candle flame leaves behind. 

Just as with the other anchors, you’ll want to work to stay interested in the subtle changes of the flame, and awake to any details. This is why a candle flame is a better visual object than, say, a rock or a picture of a rock. The subtle changes and movements allow you to stay fresh and interested. 

How to Meditate on Connection and Kindness

For some people, using one of the above sensory anchors feels too emotionally dry to stick with at the outset. Maybe the effort to attend to sounds or the breath feels too solitary or insular–there’s just not enough social juice there. 

If this sounds like you, you could have a very different experience simply by using the qualities of connection and kindness as your anchor. 

Lovingkindness meditation

When learning how to meditate, the easiest way to approach this sort of anchor is through “lovingkindness” meditation, but it’s certainly not the only way. 

In general, when you use connection and kindness as an anchor, you begin by holding the image or the feeling of another person in the mind. This image or feeling is the first part of the anchor. 

Next, you begin to offer some positive wish or intention to the person you’ve called to mind. This could take the form including:

  • Saying to yourself the phrase, “May you be safe, happy, and healthy.” 
  • A visualization, such as a beam of warm light extending from your body to theirs. 
  • The sustained observation and beholding of this other person with a feeling of appreciation, compassion, or generosity. 

These relational practices aren’t technically mindfulness meditation because they’re more about generating certain images and emotional qualities than noticing and receiving what’s present.

But they’re often used to support mindfulness practice. And they can be an excellent way to build focus and attention if other anchors aren’t working. 

If you’re interested in this approach, you might look into guided practices or books by people like Sharon Salzberg (Lovingkindness), John Makransky (Awakening through Love), or Pema Chodron (Tonglen). 

There are also scientific studies that show how lovingkindness meditations can make you less critical towards yourself, while increasing self-compassion in people suffering from PTSD, while decreasing PTSD symptoms.

What’s the Best Meditation for You? 

When learning how to meditate, the best anchor is the one that helps you build mental stability, focus, and clarity and that soothes your nervous system the more you pay attention to it. 

Just like there is no magic weight-training machine that can build muscles without fatiguing them, every anchor will involve some difficulty. The point isn’t to choose an anchor that you never stray from, or that only gives you cheery thoughts. It’s to choose one that you like to return to. 

If staying with a meditation anchor feels like a struggle, or involves a lot of tension or pain, you may want to lighten up a bit or choose a different anchor. 

Meditating on Pain: A word of caution

Some people find their mind tending toward chronic pain, and can find pain so absorbing that they end up using it as their anchor. While it can be focusing in the short term, it can soon cause the mind to feel fatigued and resistant to meditating. 

This isn’t to say that we should avoid noticing pain sensations at all. It’s just a good idea to balance our awareness of pain with neutral and pleasant sensations as well.

Stick with one anchor

Finally, once you find an anchor that works for you, you’ll want to avoid the temptation to jump around a lot from anchor to anchor. When learning how to meditate, choose one anchor, stick with it for a while, and decide whether it’s a good approach after you’ve gotten familiar with it.

The Outlook

Our attention is such a precious resource. It’s the doorway that leads us into a fuller, freer, and healthier experience of life. This life, right now, is composed of moments that only happen for us if we have the attention to notice them. 

When learning how to meditate, finding the right anchor can be a simple but transformative step. It can teach you what it feels like to be present to the people around you. It can also teach you how to let go of the loops of habit and addiction that keep you estranged from the natural clarity and joy of your own mind. 

And along the way, mindfulness meditation can build resilience by teaching you how to continually start over, to make the choice to show up again and again for yourself. 

Organ meat: Brain

Organ Meats: Beginners’ Guide to Ancient Superfoods

In case you haven’t noticed, superfoods come and go–acai berries, CBD, you name it. But there’s another class of superfoods that you should know about.  One that transcends fads and that’s been treasured since ancient times. We’re talking about organ meats! 


Organ Meats: A Lost Tradition 

The breakneck pace of modern culture means it’s all too easy to discount the wisdom of how we did things in the past. 

For many people, just hearing the term “organ meats” may conjure up thoughts about bygone eras and outdated practices we no longer need or want to live by. Why read books when we have podcasts and an endless amount of choices on Netflix? Why eat organ meats when we have cutting-edge nutraceuticals?

When it comes to optimal nutrition, however, this type of thinking is fundamentally flawed. 

For all our technological advancements,’ our bodies haven’t evolved beyond the types of foods that got us here in the first place. We’re hardwired to eat an animal-based diet…whether we like it or not. 

You only need to look at how our ancient ancestors ate to see the proof. Far from being rooted in superstition, the nutritional habits of ancient cultures were perfected by eons of evolution–an intimate call and response between our bodies and the natural world. 

When we peer into our anthropological record we see that people all over the world prized organ meats above anything else. In times of scarcity, organs were preferentially given to tribal chieftains, elders, and pregnant women; in times of plenty, they were enjoyed by all.  

Why eat organ meats?

Organ meats are nature’s most concentrated source of virtually every important vitamin, mineral, amino acid, and fat. These nutrients make organ meats the ideal addition to modern diets of more conventional animal products. 

Replaces Depleted Dietary Nutrients

Adding another layer to their historical importance, organ meats may be more crucial than ever today. That’s because the fruits and vegetables many people rely on for their micronutrients have been getting progressively nutrient depleted. 

A study by The University of Texas found that the amounts of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin, and vitamin C in fruits and vegetables have declined significantly over the last 50 years. The levels of other micronutrients are likely lower, too.

Reduces Plant Toxins

Organ meats can supplement these depleted nutrients, and they offer an even greater health benefit when they replace many fruits and vegetables altogether. This is because fruits and veggies are loaded with plant toxins and antinutrients. Plants developed these chemicals to defend themselves against predators. And guess what? Humans are predators. 

This chart from the Texas study shows just how depleted fruits and vegetables have become. 

Turning to multivitamins isn’t the solution, either. Studies haven’t yet managed to show that multivitamins actually work! As Dr. Eliseo Guallar, from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, explained to Harvard Health, the likelihood that multivitamins have tangible health benefits is “very small — and also we have no clear proof yet of such benefit.”

Science is finally beginning to confirm what traditional cultures have known for centuries: that organ meats are one of the most important parts of the human diet. Keep reading to dive a little deeper into the world of organ meats and their wellness-boosting benefits. 

What are organ meats?

Organ meats sometimes referred to as “offal,” are the organs of animals that we prepare and consume as food.

Organ meats all-stars:

  • Liver: A true superfood, and the most nutrient-dense superfood, loaded with bioavailable vitamins that combat numerous diseases including heart disease and Alzheimer’s. 
  • Tongue: A tender muscle, high in healthy fats as well as zinc, iron, choline, and vitamin B12.
  • Heart: a great source of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an antioxidant that treats and prevents numerous diseases. 
  • Kidneys: high in omega 3 fatty acids, and known to contain anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • Brain: A delicacy in many cultures, and a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Sweetbreads: Neither sweet, nor a bread, this organ meat comes from the thymus gland and pancreas. And is loaded with healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats that improve blood cholesterol levels, lower the risk of heart disease, and help regulate blood sugar. 
  • Tripe: The lining of an animal’s stomach, tripe packs an impressive amount of nutrients, including selenium, zinc, and vitamin B12.

People have been eating organ meats for as long as we’ve been on this planet. Many traditional societies still make organ meats central to their diets.  And even in Western societies you still find sweetbreads made from thymus glands and pancreas, Menudo soup with tripe, and foie gras pate, a delicacy made from duck and goose liver. 

The most nutrient-dense foods in existence, organ meats are packed with highly-bioavailable nutrients, including both fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. 

Organs are also a great source of heme iron and protein. Last, but definitely not least, organ meats are uniquely rich in several different forms of vitamin K2, a nutrient that was previously known as “Activator X” for its ability to activate bone development.

A common symptom of K2 sufficiency? Perfect teeth! Image from the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation. 

The many types of organ meats

There are many different kinds of organ meats. If an animal has an organ, you can be pretty confident that some culture, somewhere, has discovered a way to eat it. 

In this article we’ll be focusing on 10 of the most popular organ meats: 

  • Liver
  • Kidney
  • Heart
  • Brain
  • Gizzards
  • Sweetbreads
  • Tripe
  • Tongue
  • Spleen
  • Bones


Known as “nature’s multivitamin,” there’s a reason liver comes first on this list. Both chicken liver and beef liver are nutritional powerhouses.

Just 3.5 ounces of beef liver meets many of your RDI’s (recommended daily intakes) with ease:

Beef Liver: Raw
Based on 100 grams
Net Carbs3.9g
VITAMINS%Daily Value
Vitamin A  

Vitamin A IU  

Vitamin B6  

Vitamin B12  






Vitamin C  

Vitamin D  

Vitamin D 

Vitamin D3  

Vitamin E  

Vitamin K  




















































Liver may offer special benefits to athletes, too. Its popularity among this group took off in the 1950s, when researchers found that rats given liver supplements swam farther than rats who went without. 

Physique icon Tony Sansone stressed the importance of eating liver, kidney, heart, and cod liver oil, as did many other natural bodybuilders from that era. It appears that liver has anti-stress and anti-anemia properties of all sorts.

Successful hunters of centuries past often celebrated their successes by passing fresh liver around. In a perfect example of nature knowing best, these hunters were able to partake of the slain animal’s liver glycogen (stored carbohydrates) after depleting much of their own. 

Though liver is one of the easiest organ meats to find at your local butcher, that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to incorporate into your culinary routine. If you’re looking to get the benefits of liver without having to retrain your tastebuds, beef liver supplements might be right for you.


Just like liver, beef kidney is a true superfood. It’s rich in Vitamin B12, selenium, and heme iron, and it contains a nice balance of copper and zinc. Kidney also contains a rare amino acid, L-ergothioneine, which promotes the kidney health of those who ingest it!  In addition, kidney contains the hard to find amino-acid Ergothioneine, which promotes fertility.

Kidneys were a favorite food of the traditional Inuit culture. “The kidneys are usually given to children,” noted Arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson in his book The Fat of the Land, “somewhat as if they were candy.”

Even the fat surrounding the kidneys is special. Known as suet, kidney fat is impressively saturated — 60-70% saturated, by some estimates.  It’s also impressively high in a special fatty acid, stearic acid, that’s been correlated with lower body fat and improved mitochondrial function.

Beef Kidney: Raw
Based on 100 grams
Net Carbs0.3g
VITAMINS%Daily Value
Vitamin AVitamin A IU





Vitamin B6

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin D IU

Vitamin D3

Vitamin E

















































Technically, the heart is an organ meat and a muscle meat. Lean yet flavorful, heart was a favorite food of many native American cultures — and it’s still easy to make a part of the optimal diet today.

What makes beef heart so special? For starters, it’s twice as rich in riboflavin (B2) as conventional muscle meat. Heart is also a great source of coenzyme Q10 (COQ10), an anti-fatigue, anti-aging nutrient. 

Many studies have found that the COQ10 family is protective against cardiovascular diseases, infertility, and even mitochondrial dysfunction.  Dr. Kiltz actually recommends coenzyme Q10 to women struggling with their fertility. 

Beef Heart: Raw
Based on 100 grams
Net Carbs0.1g
VITAMINS%Daily Value




Vitamin B6 

Vitamin B12 

Vitamin C

Vitamin E 








































Brain is considered a delicacy in many cultures. Composed of roughly 60% fat, the brain is the fattiest organ in the entire body. 

It’s no surprise then that brain is an incredible source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA. Studies have shown that DHA may prevent inflammation, hyperactivity, neurodegeneration, and more.  

The amount of DHA a pregnant mother consumes goes a long way towards ensuring the brain health of her baby. Research has even found a link between a mother’s DHA intake and her offspring’s problem-solving ability — it’s that important

Beef Brain: Raw
Based on 100 grams
Net Carbs1.1g
VITAMINS%Daily Value
Vitamin A 

Vitamin A IU 

Vitamin B6 

Vitamin B12 

Vitamin C 

Vitamin E 













































It’s relatively hard to find fresh brain at the butcher, and even rare in most organ meat supplements. However, Doctor Kiltz’s beef organ supplement offers beef brain from grass-fed New Zealand cattle. 


For those of you who aren’t from the south, gizzards are a type of stomach. The most commonly eaten gizzards come to us courtesy of the chicken. (For an especially healthy meal, fry your chicken gizzards in some grass-fed suet.) 

Gizzards are rich in iron, B vitamins, and selenium. Their combination of vitamin C and zinc means they’re good for your complexion, too. 

Chicken Gizzards 
Based on 100 grams
Net Carbs0
VITAMINS%Daily Value
Vitamin A      

Vitamin B6    

Vitamin B12   





Vitamin C      

Vitamin E       














































Sweetbreads probably aren’t what you think they are. They’re not especially sweet or bready. The term sweetbread actually refers to an animal’s thymus and pancreas. The parotid gland is also sometimes included in this category. 

Sweetbreads are one of the animal kingdom’s best sources of vitamin C. Though they may not be as rich in B vitamins as liver or heart, sweetbreads round out the antioxidant picture with plenty of selenium.

Thymus is also rich in several immune-signaling peptides, including thymosin fraction 5, thymosin alpha-1, and thymic humoral factor.  If you’re looking for a stronger immune system, consider nourishing your own thymus gland with this special organ meat.

Beef Sweetbreads
Based on 100 grams
Net Carbs1.1g
VITAMINS%Daily Value
Vitamin A 

Vitamin B6 

Vitamin B12 

Vitamin C 










































Tripe is the lining of an animal’s stomach (most frequently a cow’s). Like virtually every other organ meat, tripe possesses impressive nutrient density. It’s rich in vitamin B12, selenium, and zinc. It’s also rich in cholesterol, which plays a vital role in hormone synthesis.

Tripe and other innards were prized among native Americans — so much so that certain tribes would hold competitions to see who could eat a length of buffalo intestines the fastest.

Based on 100 grams
Net Carbs0
VITAMINS%Daily Value


Folic acid



Vitamin B12

Vitamin B6

203.3 mg

4 mcg

0 mcg

0.828 mg

0.067 mg

1.09 mcg

0.008 mg

5 %

5 %

45 %











72 mg

0.073 mg

0.62 mg

14 mg

67 mg

70 mg

13 mcg

441 mg

1.48 mg

6 %

8 %

3 %

4 %

10 %

1 %

24 %

19 %

13 %


Like the heart, the tongue is both an organ meat and a muscle meat. The tongue is rich in healthy fats and collagen. Over 10% of its protein comes from collagen, in fact. The tongue is also a great source of vitamin B9, commonly known as folate.

And if you’re not a huge fan of eating, well, a giant tongue…fear not. Take some inspiration from traditional Mexican cuisine, which found a way to incorporate beef tongue into tacos. 

Based on 100 grams
Net Carbs0
VITAMINS%Daily Value


    Folic acid




Vitamin B12   

Vitamin B6

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin E 

Vitamin K

357 mg

11 mcg

0 mcg

4.289 mg

0.359 mg

0.022 mg

4.19 mcg

0.162 mg

1.3 mg

0.4 mcg

0.39 mg

1.2 mcg

27 %

28 %

2 %

175 %

12 %

1 %

2 %

2 %

1 %










77 mg

0.22 mg

3.21 mg

29 mg

211 mg

253 mg

26.1 mcg

828 mg

5.54 mg

6 %

24 %

18 %

7 %

30 %

5 %

47 %

36 %

50 %


The spleen is an incredibly good source of iron. It’s also rich in vitamin C and vitamin B5. 

The spleen is such a potent immunity-booster that it’s commonly used, in the form of spleen extract by people with low white blood cell counts or cancer. The nutrients in the spleen may also benefit one’s appearance by helping to oxygenate the skin. 


Okay, we’ll admit it, bones aren’t technically organ meats. 

But they are organs  — and the soup bones one gets from the butcher usually still have a lot of meat on them. 

Bones also contain a whole lot of nutrients. 

Let’s start with the obvious one: calcium. Bones are rich in a unique form of calcium called microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, or MCHA. Bovine-derived MCHA may strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

And don’t forget about the bone marrow. Clocking in at 97% fat, bone marrow contains all sorts of biochemical goodies. Recent research has discovered that it’s rich in alkylglycerol, an immune-boosting fat also found in breast milk.  Strengthening your connective tissue is as easy as drinking a cup of bone broth!

When it comes to human evolution scavenging bones and bashing them open to get the fat was what allowed us to grow the brains we needed to be smart enough to hunt much larger and faster animals.

The many health benefits of organ meats 

Let’s shift perspectives and take a look at eight central health benefits practically all organ meats have in common. 

Organs meats are an excellent source of iron

Even a single serving of most organ meats is enough to hit your daily iron RDA.  What’s more, organ meats contain highly-bioavailable heme iron, which is far better absorbed than the non-heme iron found in plant foods.

Organs meats may help retain muscle mass

The human body requires nine essential amino acids to function — and organ meats contain all of them.  Their high-quality protein can benefit anyone who wants to build muscle mass. Muscle mass, in turn, promotes increased weight loss by increasing your metabolic rate — the calories you expend while resting.  

Organs meats are a great source of choline

Organ meats are one of nature’s best sources of choline, an essential nutrient that benefits the brain, muscles, and liver. Many people eating the standard American diet (SAD) are deficient in choline — eat your organs so that doesn’t happen to you!

Organs meats are rich in peptides

Peptides are small amino acid-based molecules our bodies use to send important messages. 

The peptides found in bovine organs include BPC-157, Thymosin alpha-1, LEAP-2, tuftsin, and more. Science is just beginning to appreciate how these peptides might be contributing to the health benefits of different organ meats.

Organs meats are rich in fat-soluble vitamins

“An essential characteristic of the successful dietary programs of primitive races,” wrote pioneering doctor Weston A. Price, “has been found to relate to a liberal source of fat-soluble vitamins.”

Translation? Of all the vitamins out there, fat-soluble vitamins are probably the most important. Organ meats are very rich in these vitamins — and the ancients knew it. In times of plenty, native Americans would sometimes select the fattiest parts of an animal and throw the rest away. 

All this fat, of course, contained plenty of fat-soluble A, D, E, and K. 

Modern research has discovered that fat-soluble vitamins work together to promote bone health: vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, vitamin A prepares the body to use calcium, and vitamin K2 helps shuttle the calcium to the right places. The same Dr. Price that documented dental health among ‘primitive’ cultures also documented cases of reversing cavities with vitamin K2 among his own patients.

Fat-soluble vitamins aren’t just important for dental health, either. They’re important for nearly everything

Organ meats keep you fuller for longer

The protein and fatty-acid content of organ meats may also help you stick with your ideal diet.  

Studies have shown that eating a high-fat, moderate protein diet can increase one’s feelings of fullness and decrease one appetite.  At the same time, protein also ‘costs’ more energy than other macronutrients to be absorbed. If the keto diet has you experiencing out-of-control cravings, try incorporating more protein. We bet it’ll help. 

Organs meats make optimal health simple

Eating beef liver provides us with liver-specific health benefits. Likewise, eating kidneys provide kidney-specific nutrients. The same goes for eating heart, which provides us with all sorts of heart-healthy compounds.

Noticing a trend? Animal organs contain nutrients that benefit the same organs of those who eat them. It’s almost like nature wanted to make things simple for us!

Organs meats are very affordable

The term “superfood” may conjure images of fancy natural food stores and empty wallets. 

When it comes to buying organ meats, however, that’s simply not the case. Most organ meats are still very affordable. It’s not uncommon to find high-quality grass-fed and organic organs for just a few dollars a pound. 

Eating organ meats — how it’s done 

After being neglected for decades, the popularity of organ meats might finally be coming full circle. Organ-based dishes are now being featured in fine-dining restaurants across the world. Chefs love their novelty factor and unique flavors. 

It’s true — the most fun way to expose yourself to new organ meats is by venturing into the wide world of international cuisine. Try Mexico’s Menudo soup with tripe or France’s foie gras or Eastern Europe’s liverwurst. Traditional soul food from the deep South also features all sorts of offal. 

If you’re new to organ meats, however, you may want to start off with something a little more down-to-earth. Liver and heart are two of the best organ meats to get started with; both have a pretty mild flavor. 

You can also incorporate ground liver into regular ground beef and make it into burgers. Chances are, your local butcher shop wouldn’t mind doing this for you.

How to find organ meats

Speaking of your local butcher, they’re one of the best places for sourcing quality organ meats. 

Butchers are usually happy to see someone valuing the lesser-known cuts. They might even give you a cooking tip or two. You may also want to check your area for authentic Asian, Mexican, or Polish food stores. These stores are likely to carry organ meats without the hype and higher prices of wellness-orientated butcher shops. Opt for grass-fed, pasture-raised beef organs whenever you can. 

If all else fails, you can always find organ meats online, but this is a much more expensive option. Besides, it’s always nice to support your local farmers. 

The bottom line

For all our biomedical progress, optimal nutrition has been perfected by nature. 

Organ meats are a powerhouse source of numerous bioavailable vitamins and minerals that are hard to get from most other foods.

Incorporating organ meats will boost your nutrition while reducing food waste. It could also lead you to new cultural experiences. 

The way we see it, returning to humankind’s original way of eating is a journey that’s meant to be cherished and enjoyed. So have fun optimizing your nutrition as you experiment with nature’s superfoods! 


What Are Carbs? And What Do They Do To Us?

If you’re paying attention to your diet, you’ve probably heard of “good carbs,” “bad carbs,” “fast carbs,” “slow carbs”, and “no carbs.” But have you ever stopped to ask, what are carbs anyway? And is there really such a thing as a good carb?

In this article, we’re going to go back to the junior high biology basics to remind you that every carbohydrate is really just sugar and why all carbohydrates should be limited or avoided altogether.

Fast Facts

  • Carbs or Carbohydrates are one of three macronutrients found in food.
  • All carbs are made up of sugars molecules
  • Carbohydrates are generally classified by how many sugar molecules make up the final structure 
  • Most carbohydrates (from table sugar to carrots, potatoes, and broccoli) are broken down into simple sugars when digested and absorbed into the bloodstream. 
  • Because all carbohydrates break down into simple sugars, they all have a toxic effect on our bodies.

What are Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates, or carbs, are sugar molecules.

Along with fat and protein, carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients found in food.

Carbohydrates have many types and many names and may be referred to as glucose, sugar, carbs, carbohydrates, starches, and more.

Carbohydrates are the basis of foods as different as lollipops, bread, potatoes, grains, and lettuce. The carbohydrates in each of these foods is made from the same basic building blocks; single sugar molecules. These molecules form a ring-like structure that can link together to form more “complex” carbs. 

The shared molecular structure of carbohydrates is why every carb you digest from table sugar to so-called “good” carbs like whole grains and veggies, all break down into glucose or other sugars when digested. These sugars are sent into your blood, raising your blood sugar levels and have the same toxic effect on your body as candy, cola, or other sugary products.

Consistently high blood sugar caused by carb-dominant diets leads to numerous diseases and disorders including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancers, Alzhiemers, and infertility among many others. We’ll dive into the “how” and “why” of carbs and disease later on. 

Types of Carbohydrates

There are many types of carbohydrates, and they’re classified by their size (how many single sugar molecules make up the final carbohydrate structure). All carbohydrates are made up of at least one sugar molecule.  Simple carbs are one or two sugars. Complex carbs are made from many sugar molecules linked together. 

Carbohydrates Types. Carbohydrates And Its Types. Vector Illustration.

Simple Sugars

Simple sugars When most see the word sugar, they think of the white stuff they put in their coffee, commonly known as table sugar. That kind of sugar is called sucrose and is a disacchar. And it’s only one of many different sugar types. Simple sugars are made up of one or two sugar molecules. If the sugar has only one molecule it is called a monosaccharide, if it has two, it is called a disaccharide.

Monosaccharides – Single Unit Simple Sugars

Monosaccharides are made up of a single (mono) sugar molecule. There are three main monosaccharides and each can combine to form many of the different types of sugars found in foods. 


You get glucose from many foods including bread, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. glucose is transported via the bloodstream to your tissues where the hormone insulin allows it to enter cells where it’s used as an energy source. 


Fructose, along with glucose makeup table sugar. It’s also part of various sweeteners including high-fructose corn syrup and agave syrup, and many products that list added sugars on the nutrition label. Before industrialization people rarely consumed much fructose. Now, most people’s dietary intake of fructose comes from industrial sources. In whole foods like fruits and vegetables, fructose exists in relatively low amounts. 


A simple sugar found in many dairy products. When you eat galactose, it is primarily converted into glucose and stored as glycogen–a storage unit of sugar. 



When two simple sugars are joined together they’re called disaccharides. Table sugar is the most common example of a disaccharide. It’s a combination of glucose and fructose molecules. When you eat disaccharides they are broken down through the process of digestion into monosaccharides (simple sugars) and absorbed into our bloodstream.


Formed following photosynthesis in green plants. 


Milk sugar, found in the milk of all mammals. 


A product of the breakdown of starches during digestion and fermentation. 


Complex Carbs

Complex carbs are chains of sugar molecules made up of 3 to hundreds of monosaccharides linked together, and they fall under two main categorization:

  • Oligosaccharides: 3-10 monosaccharides linked together
  • Polysaccharides: More than 10 monosaccharides linked together

Famously, at least dietarily speaking, complex carbs make up the majority of sugar molecules in some of our favorites like pasta, bread, potatoes, corn, spinach, carrots, and broccoli.


These carbs are made of  3 to 10 simple sugars. 

Since humans lack the enzymes to break down Oligosaccharides we do not absorb them into our blood. Instead, they pass into our large intestine where they are fermented by bacteria. This is why when you eat foods that contain high amounts of oligosaccharides, you can get very flatulent. 


Are made from many simple sugars joined together. Foods that contain polysaccharides include: 

  • Starchy carbohydrates like potatoes, corn, rice, and wheat flour.  
  • Foods that contain fiber like lentil, beans, and peas. 
  • Foods that contain cellulose including fruits like apples (the skin) and vegetables like kale and lettuce. 


These polysaccharides include starchy grains like:

  • Wheat 
  • Oats 
  • Rye 
  • Barley
  • Rice
  • Cornmeal

Foods made from starches include: 

  • Bread
  • Cereal 
  • Pasta 
  • Tortillas
  • Chips 
  • Crackers 

Though starchy foods don’t taste sweet unless processed with added sugars, they are still just long chains of sugar (glucose) molecules.  When you digest starches your body breaks the bonds between these molecules. The resulting simple sugar molecules are absorbed into your blood, raising your blood sugar levels


Is a form of polysaccharide that does not get broken down during digestion. These indigestible carbs pass through the stomach, small intestine, colon, and then out of the body. Fiber comes primarily from the outer covering of seeds (cellulose) and the stalks and leaves of vegetables. 


Glycogen is a storage molecule of sugar in your body and it’s made of many short branches of linked glucose.  When your blood sugar drops your body can break down glycogen into glucose that’s released into the bloodstream. But the liver can only store around 250 and 400 calories worth of glycogen. When your body runs out of glycogen, your liver creates glucose out of the protein in your muscles, or in your diet. 

Glycogen is also stored in the muscles, but it’s used only by the muscles during exercise and cannot be broken down to balance blood sugar levels. The body stores enough glycogen in the liver, muscles and brain to last for 24 hours.

What are net carbs?

Net carbohydrates or “net carbs” is a popular term among low-carb and keto dieters. Net carbs are the sum of carbs in food after subtracting the fiber. In whole foods fiber is not fully digested and absorbed. This is why fiber is often referred to as “insoluble”. 

Here’s an example of how net carbs are calculated: An average avocado has 12g total carbs and 9g fiber. When you subtract the fiber from the total carbs you get net carbs of 3g. 

The 3g of carbs are composed of both simple sugars along with complex carbohydrates which will be broken down into simple sugars when digested. 

When it comes to whole foods like avocados this calculation is accurate, but when considering processed foods like energy bars, it can be misleading. Often with processed foods, the net carbs subtracted are sugar alcohols, which can still increase blood sugar. 

Another way net carbs can be misleading is that it ignores the fact that fiber has no positive health benefits, and is likely harmful. 

Fiber may harm more than help

Fiber from plants ferments in our bodies as it breaks down. When you chew fiber, you simplify it and expose it to bacteria and yeasts that feed on it during the process of digestion.  Fermentation of plant materials produces heat, gas, aldehyde, alcohol, and methane. This exothermic reaction heats and damages local organs and tissues.

A truly eye-opening study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology looked at all the studies over the previous 35 years investigating the link between fiber and colon health:

“A strong case cannot be made for a protective effect of dietary fiber against colorectal polyp or cancer. Neither has fiber been found to be useful in chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also not useful in the treatment of perianal conditions. The fiber deficit-diverticulosis theory should also be challenged…we often choose to believe a lie, as a lie repeated often enough by enough people becomes accepted as the truth. We urge clinicians to keep an open mind. Myths about fiber must be debunked and truth installed.”

Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohol is a sweet low-calorie carbohydrate popular in many low-carb and “keto-friendly” snacks. Sugar alcohol is neither alcohol nor true sugar. As the name suggests, the chemical structure partially resembles sugar and partially resembles alcohol. However, since sugar alcohols do not contain ethanol, the compound in alcohol that gets you drunk, they are safe for people recovering from addiction. 

Sugar alcohols are incompletely absorbed and metabolized by the body. This means that they contribute fewer calories than sugars, but they still raise blood sugar. 

Common sugar alcohols include: 

  • Xylitol
  • Erythritol
  • Sorbitol
  • Maltitol

A note of caution on low-carb sweeteners

Eating artificial sweeteners interferes with the body’s natural reward centers. People eat and crave sweet things because sweet foods in the natural environment usually mean loads of quick calories. 

Alternative sweeteners give us incomplete satisfaction by sending mixed signals through the metabolic system. The first signal is that we have eaten something sweet. The second is that we haven’t actually consumed the calories associated with the sweetness. Our bodies respond by seeking more calories. This cycle defeats the original purpose of alternative sweeteners to reduce cravings and calories.

Carbs in the Human Diet

Though most humans across the world and throughout time have at least some carbohydrates in their diets, the quantities, types, and ratios of these carbohydrates to other macronutrients vary dramatically. These variations lead to a wide range of health and disease outcomes. 

Carbs in Western Diets

In a typical Western diet, carbs account for 33 to 70% of caloric intake. A 2016 study looking at the American diet found that Americans get 42% of their daily calories from refined grains and processed sugars.   This works out to over 100 lbs per year or 34 teaspoons of added sugars every day.

Carbs in Western Diet

You’re probably thinking, not me! But most of this added sugar is hidden in processed foods. Many “healthy,” low-fat food options that we don’t consider to be sweet, like tomato sauce and yogurt, are packed with sugar. It’s common for food manufacturers to bump up the sugar to maintain flavor and texture when they produce “low-fat” and “non-fat” products. That fancy drink from your coffee shop or “lite” dressing on that “healthy” salad you had for lunch has way more sugar than you’d expect, not to mention the carbs in all those veggies. 

US Sugar consumption

Added sugars in Western Diets: 

  • Refined white sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, beet sugar, coconut sugar, turbinado sugar, etc. 
  • Dextrose
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Honey
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses
  • Agave nectar

Hidden sugar in everyday food

Carbs in Hunter Gatherer Diets

Hunter gatherers generally ate less of a variety and less total carbohydrates than modern humans. When our ancestors did eat carbs, they usually came in the form of low-nutrient tubers and seasonal fruits.

Recent research looking at the diets of the 229 remaining hunter gatherer tribes shows that a low carbohydrate and high-fat diet is the most common macronutrient ratio. A 2011 study by Ströhle and Hahn, found that 9 out of 10 hunter gatherer groups got less than a third of calories from carbohydrates.  

Effects of latitude on carbohydrate intake

The low-carb diets of hunter gatherers are likely a significant health factor. These traditional peoples have very low to virtually no incidences of the so-called diseases of civilization, including coronary heart disease, obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, epithelial cell cancers, inflammatory autoimmune disease, and osteoporosis.

How many carbohydrates do people need? 

The short answer is none. After being weaned from your mother’s milk, you can live without eating another carb for the rest of your life. 

When carbs are absent from your diet, your body converts fat into fatty-acid molecules called ketones that become the main energy source for most of your cells. 

Red blood cells, along with a small selection of cells in your brain and kidneys require glucose. However, your body can make all the glucose it needs from protein and fat (amino acids and fatty acids) in a process called gluconeogenesis.

There are nine essential amino acids from protein and the two essential fatty acids, from dietary fat, but there are zero “essential” carbohydrates.

Zero Carbs Goes Mainstream

The fact that we don’t need to eat any carbohydrates is not a fringe belief. It’s affirmed in the 2005 textbook “Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids,” by the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine. 

“The lower limit of dietary carbohydrate compatible with life apparently is zero, provided that adequate amounts of protein and fat are consumed.

There are traditional populations that ingested a high fat, high protein diet containing only a minimal amount of carbohydrate for extended periods of time (Masai), and in some cases for a lifetime after infancy (Alaska and Greenland Natives, Inuits, and Pampas indigenous people). There was no apparent effect on health or longevity. 

Caucasians eating an essentially carbohydrate-free diet, resembling that of Greenland natives, for a year tolerated the diet quite well. However, a detailed modern comparison with populations ingesting the majority of food energy as carbohydrate has never been done.”

How your body processes carbohydrates


In order for carbs to be absorbed into the bloodstream and used as energy, they first have to be broken down into monosaccharides–mainly glucose. For example, when you eat a cookie, your body sends the simple sucrose sugars directly into your bloodstream. At the same time, the complex starches from the wheat flour are broken down by enzymes into glucose.


Once broken down into monosaccharides, the individual sugar molecules (glucose, fructose, or galactose) are absorbed in the intestines and sent into the bloodstream. Carbohydrates like oligosaccharides and fiber that cannot be broken down into monosaccharides, bypass absorption and get sent to the gut where a portion is fermented (fed on) by gut bacteria, and the rest are excreted in the stool.

Processing and Metabolism 

Glucose and Galactose  

The common theory behind glucose and galactose is that every cell in your body is capable of using them for energy. 

The carbohydrates you eat, except for insoluble fiber and fructose, are either absorbed directly into your blood or broken down by enzymes into single sugars called glucose. Glucose is what is referred to as “blood sugar. The more glucose that enters your bloodstream the more your blood sugar rises. 

To make glucose useful as a fuel for your cells, your pancreas produces a hormone called insulin. Insulin tells cells to accept the sugar in your bloodstream. The level of your blood sugar, and how long it stays elevated depends on the number of carbs you eat, the insulin you produce, and how sensitive your cells are to insulin. 


The fructose that you get from fruit is absorbed differently than glucose but is still a factor in sugar toxicity. Fructose bypasses the pancreas and goes straight to the liver where it gets converted to glycogen, a long-chain carbohydrate that your body stores in your muscles and liver for later use. 

Fructose doesn’t directly spike your blood sugar like other simple sugars and starches. However, your glycogen storage areas in your liver and muscles are limited. With nowhere to go, the glucose from the other carbohydrates you eat is converted into fat in your liver and on your body. This process of storing extra glucose as fat (lipogenesis) is the cause of obesity and fatty liver disease. 

Astonishingly, it’s estimated that 100 million Americans or 25% of the population has fatty liver disease.  While a staggering 42% of Americans are obese.

A key point here is that eating carbs makes you fat and sick. 

It’s important to acknowledge that all carbs other than fiber can contribute to elevated blood sugar–whether they come from added sugars and processed grains, or from whole fruits, and vegetables. 

Excess Carbohydrates

When glycogen reserves are filled by our steady stream of glucose, fructose, and other carbs, the liver converts the excess into fat, which leads to fatty liver disease, obesity, diabetes, a litany of inflammatory and metabolic diseases that we’ll get into later.

Why there’s no such thing as “good” carbs

You’ve probably heard the terms “good carbs” and “bad carbs”. Though it’s true that processed sugars can cause faster and higher increases in blood sugar, nearly all the carbs you eat, from kale to candy, are broken down into glucose or other simple sugars and sent into your blood, raising blood sugar. 

To keep your blood sugar levels in check, your liver produces a constant stream of insulin that turns sugar into fat that’s stored on your body. But just as soon as the initial flood of excess sugar is turned into fat, your body begins to run out of the limited sugar in your blood, so your cells scream out for more sugar. You get tired, hungry, irritable, and distracted. The cycle goes on and on. 

This constant stream of blood sugar can wreak havoc on your hormones while causing inflammation that leads to numerous diseases and disorders. 

Carbs cause Inflammation

Carbs cause inflammation through two direct processes: Glycation and oxidative damage. Indirectly, eating carbs causes inflammation because fruits and veggies are often loaded with plant toxins and antinutrients. Let’s dive a little deeper into each of these issues. 

Chronic inflammation


Glycation is a process where sugars bind permanently to proteins, fats, RNA, and DNA, turning them into compounds called “Advanced Glycation End Products” or AGE’s. At healthy levels, glycation is a necessary metabolic process. But dumping excessive carbs into your system can cause chronic cell and tissue damage leading to kidney failure, heart disease, infertility, and Alzheimer’s disease among many others. 

Oxidative damage

You’ve probably heard of antioxidants, and that they’re good for you. This is because they do battle with another type of molecule called pro-oxidants. Pro-oxidants can cause damage by stealing electrons from cells and DNA.

However, in healthy people, both pro-oxidants and antioxidants are in balance. Each plays its essential role in our bodies.  Getting extra antioxidants through diet or supplements is only important when you have an overabundance of pro-oxidants. 

Refined carbohydrates are pro-oxidants. So in Western diets high in refined carbohydrates, pro-oxidant overabundance is common.  Not surprisingly, there are a host of studies demonstrating that consuming refined carbohydrates is a leading cause of inflammation and related diseases.

Plant toxins

When you eat fruits and veggies, you’re dumping more than carbs into your body. Plants are loaded with toxins and antinutrients. Plants use these chemicals to defend themselves from fungi, insects, and animal predators, including humans.

Plant toxins and antinutrients are frequently the culprits behind headaches, asthma, joint pain, and other allergic responses associated with food sensitivities, digestive complaints, and various inflammatory autoimmune diseases.

Metabolic disorders

Eating carbohydrates is responsible for a number of related metabolic disorders including increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat, and abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels. These metabolic disorders increase your risk of stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. 

Metabolic disorders

Insulin resistance

When there’s too much glucose in your bloodstream your cells stop responding to insulin, essentially shutting the door on sugar. This is called “insulin resistance” or “pre-diabetes.” 


When cells stop responding to insulin, your body reacts by secreting even more insulin, bullying your cells to open their doors to let in more sugar. Over time the insulin producing cells in your pancreas will burn out. Without the ability to make insulin your body gets toxically overwhelmed by glucose. This process of glucose toxicity leads to diabetes. 


Carbohydrates from processed foods, grains, rice, flour, and starchy vegetables are quickly converted by your digestive system into simple sugar. Spikes in sugar triggers your body to produce insulin. Insulin converts sugar into fat that we store in our bodies. What this means is that carbs cause obesity, not the fat we eat. Obesity is not the cause of our diseases. It’s a symptom of the real cause: hyperglycemia (i.e., high blood sugar).

Rise of obesity in America

Carbs and Infertility

Lowering carb intake reduces insulin leading to a positive cascading effect that helps the body rebalance sex hormones. Healthy hormonal cycles allow women to resume regular ovulation and it increases sperm counts in men.   

The science supporting the link between insulin and infertility has a lot to tell us. A 2012 study demonstrated that as carb intake increased in men, sperm counts declined.  A large-scale 2009 study by the Harvard School of Public Health followed 18,555 women with no history of infertility over eight years and discovered that among the 438 women who reported infertility, there was a correlation between high sugar and carb intake and difficulty getting pregnant. 

Another wide ranging analysis looking at PCOS and infertility showed that reducing insulin resistance was the key factor in treating PCOS and increasing fertility. 

What are the benefits of restricting carbs?

A low-carb diet provides many health benefits. Restricting carbs can: 

  • Reduce inflammation and related mental and physical health disorders
  • Reduce insulin resistance
  • Eliminate sugar cravings
  • Reduce excess body fat

The bottom line on carbs

Carbohydrates are one of three macronutrients–along with fats and proteins–that our body uses for energy. However, carbs are not necessary in the human diet. 

All carbohydrates from added sweeteners to grains and vegetables, are broken down in the body into simple sugars that raise blood sugar. 

High carbohydrate consumption like we see in the Standard American and Western diets, leads to numerous health problems. Insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity are all caused by excess carbohydrate intake leading to chronically elevated blood sugar levels. 

A diet high in carbohydrates can also cause glycation and oxidative stress leading to chronic inflammatory diseases, including cancer, heart disease, dementia, and infertility among others. 

We recommend substantially reducing dietary carbohydrates and replacing them with healthy nutrient-rich animal fats and proteins. 

Low Carb vs. Keto

Low Carb vs. Keto: 10 Things You Should Know 

Low carb and keto are two popular ways of eating that both revolve around limiting one’s carb intake. But when it comes to low carb vs. keto, which diet is better? 

Even with their similarities, low carb and keto have significant real-world differences: 

  • Low carb diets usually range from 20-100 grams per day.
  • Keto usually ranges from 0-25 grams of daily carb intake.
  • On low carb diets, protein and fats are fair game.
  • A keto diet requires that you get 75-85% of your calories from fat, and only 15-25% from protein. 

Because of this emphasis on fat, keto works differently, feels different, and tends to make people look different than low carb diets.

In this article, we’ll be looking into the ins and outs of both low carb and keto. We’ll begin with some similarities before diving deep into the differences. Enjoy!

What’s a Low Carb Diet?

As you might expect, a low carb diet is a way of eating that restricts dietary carbs to between 20 and 50 grams per day. Grains, sweets, and sugary beverages are obvious foods targeted for reduction.  

Most low carb diets contain only 10-30% of their calories as carbs, which is a significantly lower percentage than the standard American diet. Low carb diets tend to sub out the missing carbs with more fats and proteins. And because high-calorie junk foods are eliminated, low carb diets are often at least a little lower in overall calories, which promotes weight loss.

Low carb diets have been linked to all sorts of health benefits. Studies show that they’re especially useful for people with diabetes and weight problems . The Atkin’s diet, which keeps carbohydrate intake fairly low, is a popular type of low carb diet. 

Other upsides of a low carb diets include:

  • Flexibility
  • Sustainability
  • Fewer restrictions than keto
  • Easier to adapt to (no keto flu)

What about going even lower in net carbs, you might ask? Diets that contain less than 10% of their total calories from carbohydrates are known as very low carb (VLC) diets. Restricting one’s carbs to such a degree leads to a powerful metabolic state called ketosis.

What’s a Keto Diet?

The keto diet is a very low carb (VLC), very high-fat diet that’s gained mainstream popularity in recent years. 

Short for the ketogenic diet, keto places the body into pure fat-burning mode by triggering the production of ketones. 

Ketosis has uniquely therapeutic properties that go beyond mere carb reduction. It can treat epilepsy, promote fast weight loss, and even slow the growth of certain types of cancer. ,

One of the more basic goals of a ketogenic diet is to reach nutritional ketosis. This special state begins to kick in when you’re consuming less than 50 grams of carbs per day. Sensing that it’s running low on carbs, your liver will begin to produce ketone bodies from the fats that you eat. These ketones, in turn, provide a steady source of diesel fuel for both body and mind. 

To meet the macronutrient ratios of a keto diet, most fruits and vegetables are restricted. This is because all plants are made of carbohydrates and broken down into glucose (sugar) when digested. Your body can’t tell the difference between lettuce and a lollipop. Additionally, keto is often practiced for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Plant foods are loaded with plant toxins and antinutrients that can be harmful to your health. 

Some people find the keto diet restrictive. No fruits and veggies? No starches? 

If you’re one of those people who believes that discipline = freedom, then keto is probably just what you’re looking for. Other benefits of keto include:

  • Epilepsy management  
  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • Reduced appetite
  • Improved blood lipid levels

Why Fat is the Perfect Fuel

Dietary fats are found throughout both the animal and plant kingdoms — including in many of the foods that we eat. Fat provides your body with plenty of energy, sure, but that’s just the start. Dietary fats:

  • Make your meals more filling
  • Regulate hormones and immunity
  • Help you absorb fat-soluble vitamins (K, D, E, etc)
  • Maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails

And don’t let medical dogma scare you aware from fat’s nutritional importance. Contrary to popular belief, saturated fats do not increase the risk of heart disease or cardiovascular disease.  

Take it from these doctors: 

“People have been recommending low-fat diets for 30 years, and then it turns out to be completely wrong! There is no proven correlation between saturated fats and CVD”.

– Fredrik Nyström, Professor of Internal Medicine, Linköping

“It’s time to face the facts. There is no connection between saturated fats and CVD”. 

– Peter Nilsson, Professor of Cardiovascular Research, Lund

We’ll get into all the nitty-gritty details a little later, but for now, just know this: 

fat is a nourishing, healthy, safe source of calories that humans have been enjoying for thousands of years. 

Okay, it’s time to put low carb and keto head to head! We’ll start with two important similarities before getting into eight equally-important differences…

1. Low carb vs. keto: A shared history

First things first: 

Humans have been eating low carb/keto since practically the beginning of time. 

Food wasn’t always as abundant as it is now, and our ancestors couldn’t just drive over to the grocery store to get their next meal. Alternating between periods of scarcity and periods of plenty was the norm. And when plenty of food was available — like after a successful hunt — it usually took the form of energy-dense animals. Carbohydrate sources were hard to find, often only accessible after lots of (carb-burning) effort.  

In other words, our ancestors spent a lot of time eating low carb…and a lot of time eating nothing at all. The original paleo diet? It was also ketogenic. 

Even our body composition provides some clues about just how natural keto is. We humans are 73 percent fat, 25 percent protein, and two percent carbohydrates. Our brains are 60% fat, too. Why not eat according to these ratios? Fat is the medium through which all types of good things happen — it cushions our nerves, protects our vital organs, and helps regulate hormones. 

Western medical research began catching on to these concepts in the 1920s. That’s when researchers from Johns Hopkins University started using fasting to treat patients with seizure disorders and diabetes. These researchers didn’t know why fasting would be able to have this effect, especially given that these conditions were completely unrelated. 

But they began searching for a sustainable diet that could mimic the effects of fasting anyway. After plenty of trial and error, they found such a diet in the form of keto! Patients who’d previously been forced into fasting could start eating again and still stay seizure/diabetes-free. 

Fast forward to the present time, and many people are having the same sort of success with a modified ketogenic diet. This diet features slightly higher levels of carbs (it’s still low carb) and balances them out with MCT oil. 

2. Low carb vs. keto: both are well-researched 

Another similarity between low carb and ket? They’re both well-researched. 

And much of this research has produced similar findings. Both low carb and ketogenic diets have been found to foster weight loss, optimize insulin levels, and increase satiety. In other words, limiting carbs to any degree seems to coax the body into processing energy better.

Both diets have clear advantages over going the low-fat route, too. “Low-carbohydrate diet effective for adults,” says the title of a 2003 study.

A more recent meta-analysis described something similar : “VLCKD [very low carb ketogenic] dieters achieve a greater weight loss than those assigned to a LFD [low-fat diet] in the longterm.” Study after study after study has shown that low-carb diets promote faster, easier weight loss than low-fat diets, even if calorie intake remains the same! 

Older studies affirm the benefits of a low-carb, high-fat approach, too — especially if said fat takes the form of saturated animal fat. A 40-year-old report recently found in the dusty basement of a Minnesota university (yes, really) found that saturated fat was far better than polyunsaturated fat for longevity, even though it raised cholesterol levels more.

3. The keto diet is simpler than low-carb

One of the most practical benefits of keto is its simplicity. 

All you have to do to stay in compliance is avoid carbs and sugars, and eat fat. The same can’t be said of low-carb diets, which usually require careful macronutrient tracking in order to stay at the right carb intake. Can you have one apple for dessert, or do you need to cut back and stick with blackberries? That depends on what you had for breakfast. We don’t know about you, but for us, this type of inner dialogue seems pretty taxing. 

With keto, however, it’s simple: just eat fatty animal products whenever you’re hungry! If you tolerate them, full-fat dairy products are great too. 

We’ll get into how to really maximize your keto nutrition soon, but the basics of keto are simple. 20% of the effort might just give you 80% of the results. Most people don’t have to count daily calories or protein intake to experience positive changes. 

4. The keto diet really reduces cravings

When it comes to comparing low carb vs. keto, it’s important to consider the stressful nature of low-carb diets and how they can lead to unpredictable cravings. 

Let’s say you eat those blackberries for dessert…and are still hungry. Far from being satiated, that tiny bit of carbs triggered your hunger hormones and just made you crave carbs even! Many people don’t have the willpower to say no in this type of situation. What was supposed to be a 100-gram-of-carbs day soon spirals out of control.

These types of cravings are unfortunately common — on most diets, that is.  

But keto is different. The ketogenic diet can powerfully reduce cravings since it places your body entirely into fat-burning mode. If you have any body fat to lose, keto can help your body access it. Studies have also shown that keto blunts the rise of hunger hormones, like grehlin, that normally swell to uncontrollable levels during periods of dieting. Even if you’re already at your goal body weight, keto promotes stable blood sugar levels that tend to keep sugar cravings to a minimum. Interested in intermittent fasting? Many people find IF significantly easier when their meals are keto. 

5. The keto diet is higher in nutrients than low-carb…

Here’s another reason keto rules: 

It’s the best way of eating out there when it comes to getting in those healthy fats. 

Many keto diets contain up to 80% of their carbohydrates from fat. Some people experiment with going even higher! 

Why is such a high fat intake preferable? We’ll get into the sciencey details a little later, but for now, let’s talk nutrients. If you get your fat from whole foods sources, you’ll also be getting all the fat-soluble vitamins your body needs to function at its best, including vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K2, vitamin D, and more. 

Entire books could be written about each of these compounds — actually, they have. Let’s just say that vitamin K2 alone is so important that it’s called “activator X” because of its ability to ‘activate’ bone and joint health. 

Healthy fats are also rich in anti-inflammatory, mood-regulating molecules. Some fats even activate cellular receptors and help your body send important messages! The fatty compounds in dark chocolate, for example, can boost your mood by regulating your body’s endocannabinoid system. And the fatty acids in coconut oil are so antibacterial that researchers have tested them against staph infections.

6. …and lower in antinutrients

Just as important as the nutrients a ketogenic diet contains are the antinutrients it removes.

What are antinutrients? They’re food substances that prevent one’s body from absorbing nutrients properly. 

Many fruits and vegetables are full of antinutrients, and these substances actually cause a net nutrient loss when absorption rates are considered. Leafy greens like spinach, for example, is often praised for its vitamin K content…but in reality spinach’s vitamin K1 comes bound by problematic compounds. And it’s not even in a form that’s easily absorbed! Grains and legumes are also high in antinutrients, including phytic acid, which can reduce the absorption of everything from iron to calcium.

The idea that plants aren’t an ideal food source might seem surprising at first, but consider things from the plant’s perspective. Just like humans and other living creatures, plants are evolved to accomplish one goal, and that’s to reproduce.  Being a healthy food for humans is rarely in a plant’s best interest. Just as many animals evolve camouflage and poisons for protection and perpetuation, plants are equipped with an arsenal of chemicals that protect them from pests and environmental factors like fungus and mold. These toxins include naturally-occurring lectins, pesticides, mineral chelators, and antibiotics.

The type of ketogenic diet we recommend keeps these compounds minimized by staying animal-centric. Instead of eating a salad topped with oil and cheese for lunch, we’d eat a steak with a small side of mushrooms. Vegetables become even less necessary if have access to organ meats — they’re surprisingly nutrient dense. 

An animal-based keto diet also minimizes plant fiber. Wait a minute, you might be thinking…isn’t fiber important too?

Not exactly. Fiber from plants ferments in our bodies as it breaks down. When you chew fiber, you simplify it and expose it to bacteria and yeasts that feed on it during the process of digestion.  Fermentation of plant materials produces heat, gas, aldehyde, alcohol, and methane. This exothermic reaction heats and damages local organs and tissues.

Have you ever looked outside at a compost pile in the winter? It’s steaming! Many of the processes taking place in compost are heating the fiber in your gut — the part of you that sits directly on top of your reproductive organs. 

As a fertility specialist, Dr. Kiltz has observed that the constant sugar and fiber fermenting in our bowels spreads heat and inflammation to tissue and organs throughout the entire lower abdominal region…including our tubes, ovaries, uterus, prostate, seminal vesicles, and testicles. 

Given that our reproductive organs are designed to function at a very specific body temperature, this is not good. When excessive fermentation is taking place right beside a women’s ovaries, the temperature can rise substantially above optimal conditions for egg development.

What about the widespread belief that fiber is good for colon health and that it protects against cancer? It’s a total myth. 

A truly eye-opening study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology looked at all the studies over the previous 35 years investigating the link between fiber and colon health:

“A strong case cannot be made for a protective effect of dietary fiber against colorectal polyp or cancer. Neither has fiber been found to be useful in chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also not useful in the treatment of perianal conditions. The fiber deficit-diverticulosis theory should also be challenged…we often choose to believe a lie, as a lie repeated often enough by enough people becomes accepted as the truth. We urge clinicians to keep an open mind. Myths about fiber must be debunked and truth installed.”

7. The keto diet may provide more energy

For more proof that fat is the ideal human fuel, look no further than how easily our bodies process it into usable energy. One calorie of fat provides far more ATP (energy) to our cells than one calorie of any other macronutrient. Fat-derived ATP is also the preferred energy source for the heart.

In addition to providing more energy to the body than other macros, fat also provides more energy to the brain. 

Glucose (Carb) Energy 3-Hydroxybutyrate Ketone (Fat) 
8.7 kg of ATP per 100g10.5 kg ATP per 100g

Why’s this so important? Because the human brain is an energy hog. While some researchers look to other species, like monkeys, for proof of why humans should be on a low-fat, fruit-based diet, the reality is that our bioenergetic demands are totally different than theirs. 

So different, in fact, that many experts believe that high-fat eating was what allowed us to evolve into the brain-boosted species we are today. Eating nutrient-dense animal foods is the most efficient way to keep the brain fueled to this day. 

Diving a little deeper, our mitochondria also seem to love running off of fat. Stearic acid (found in dairy products, cocoa butter, and beef) is especially pro-mitochondria. While it was once thought that the Mediterranean diet and its focus on olive oil were ideal, new research is showing something very different.

Studies have shown that stearic acid can boost the function of these little energy-producing factories enough to reduce Alzheimer’s disease symptoms, regulate blood sugar levels, promote lean muscle mass, and decrease abdominal fat . Mice that are overfed stearic-acid-rich diets don’t even gain weight!

What makes all these benefits possible? Zooming in on mitochondrial activity shows us. 

A 2018 study found that mitochondria self-organize into highly efficient circular structures when fueled by stearic acid. This phenomenon is known as mitochondrial fusion. It’s likely that ingesting other saturated fats has a similar effect, so be sure to get your grass-fed beef in.

8. The keto diet may be better for anti-aging

Chances are good you’re familiar with antioxidants and have a general idea of why they’re so good for us. Eating your fruits and vegetables, you’ve probably been told, to make sure you’re getting adequate antioxidant intake!

But the full story, as is often the case when it comes to nutrition, is a little more contextual. 

Here’s an example: one’s vitamin C demands actually drop way down when carbs are taken out of the picture. That’s because vitamin C and glucose are similar enough, on the molecular level, that they sort of compete for the same biochemical pathways.

Need proof of this? In 1928 arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson was kept on a fully carnivorous diet for a year without developing vitamin C deficiency or other side effects. Researchers from New York’s Bellevue hospital attested that Stefansson stayed in great health throughout the experiment.  “[I] did not get scurvy on the fish diet, nor learn that any of my fish-eating friends ever had it,” he commented later.

Chronically high carb diets can also deplete the body’s reserves of its own inner antioxidant, glutathione, while ketogenic diets seem to boost glutathione levels.

To put these concepts in simple terms, would you rather eat a high-sugar, highly oxidative diet, and attempt to counter all the damage with extra antioxidants — or a high-fat, much less oxidative diet that still contained some antioxidants? To us it’s clear that the high fat route is the way to go. 

And the keto diet’s lower oxidative burden isn’t just good for slowing down the aging of your heart, brain, or other internal organs. It can have tangible effects on your outward appearance, too.

In other words, keto may be great for your hair, nails, and skin. Its rich blend of fat-soluble vitamins and trace minerals contains everything you need to have healthy skin. 

Just as significant is the thing keto doesn’t have: sugar. Sugar intake can actually cause your connective tissues to harden and break down through a process called glycation. Sugar may also promote the formation of lipofuscin, or age pigment, which builds up over time as a person ages and eventually contributes to neurodegeneration and death.  

Not to be morbid or anything — keto may provide a way out. For a perfect example of keto’s anti-aging effects, look no further than keto bodybuilder Luis Villasenor. Now 44, Luis has been on a high-protein keto diet for just over 20 years. One look at him and it’s obvious that something about the way he’s eating has made time almost stand still. 

While N=1 examples aren’t exactly the pinnacle of nutritional science, they’re far from meaningless! We’d challenge you to find a 40+-year-old proponent of non-ketogenic diets that looks quite as young, healthy, and unoxidized as Luis does. 

9. The keto diet may be better for our hormones

We’ve all heard of hormones, but for most people, what they do in our bodies remains a mystery. Let’s take a moment to demystify these important molecules. What are they?

Hormones are chemical messengers that orchestrate many of the body’s biological processes including reproduction. 

Along with providing essential fats, a high fat diet based around animal products provides another key component to fertility: cholesterol. Several of the most important reproductive hormones (including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) all derive from cholesterol.  

Cholesterol also helps our bodies create vitamin D from sunlight. Vitamin D, in turn, is an essential micronutrient that plays an important role in female fertility and IVF. Thanks in large part to its cholesterol content, the keto diet can optimize the hormonal state of males and females alike.  

10. The keto diet may promote more weight loss

While it’s very possible to lose weight on both low-carb and ketogenic diets,

many people report leaning out when they cut out carbs completely.

Most people lose a significant amount of weight on a keto diet — and do so quickly. A 2020 review study published in the Journal of Nutrition put it this way : “ketogenic diets appear to be more effective than low-fat diets for the treatment of obesity and [type-2 diabetes].” Colleagues of Dr. Kiltz who prescribe keto to their patients also report that it works better for weight loss than anything else. 

And for those of you who really want to get shredded, the same effect is often seen when going from keto to carnivore. Some people even report simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain. What causes this? It all goes back to our hormones.

The Bottom Line on Low Carb vs. Keto

When pitting low carb vs. keto we see how eating a low-carb, high-fat, animal-based diet remains the best way to make the most of your genetics and truly maximize your health.

Intermittent fasting strategies for women

The Best Intermittent Fasting Strategies for Women

Intermittent fasting offers many proven health benefits for both men and women, but women’s bodies are different and may benefit from different IF strategies. 

This article will look at what intermittent fasting is, why women respond to IF differently than men, and how women can safely practice IF.  

What is Intermittent fasting? 

Intermittent fasting (IF) means cycling between daily periods of not eating and windows for eating. 

There are lots of ways to practice IF, which we’ll get into later. 

When done properly IF has been shown to:

  • regulate blood glucose
  • control blood lipids including cholesterol and triglycerides
  • reduce the risk of coronary disease
  • manage body weight
  • help you gain (or maintain) lean mass
  • stimulate human growth hormones
  • activate stemcell production
  • reduce the risk of cancer, and more

Why Fast?

For many people, fasting might sound like a new diet trend. But the truth is humans have been practicing fasting for as long as we’ve been on this planet. 

During the vast era when humans were hunter gatherers, what we popularly call cavemen (and women), our ancestors fasted out of necessity. Food simply wasn’t available all the time. After a hunt, we feasted, then fasted until the next successful hunt. 

However, fasting isn’t always out of necessity. The health benefits of fasting have been known for thousands of years. The Greek philosopher Plato believed that fasting helped him achieve better physical and mental energy. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, recommended fasting for many different health issues. 

Clearly, fasting is not new. And thanks to our evolution, our bodies have been trained not only to handle fasting, but to thrive on it. 

Intermittent fasting is a safe and easy way for women to receive the benefits of fasting regularly.   

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Women


Supports Fat-Burning and Weight Loss

When in a fasted state, your body is not getting energy from food so it has to look for alternative sources. After burning up stored glycogen (carbohydrates), your body starts to break down stored fat–that spare tire or big bottom–into molecules called ketones. Ketones replace glycogen as fuel for your cells. As your body becomes fat-adapted, it develops better metabolic flexibility and increases fat burning. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help fat and weight loss, and may reduce obesity.

Supports Cellular Renewal and Repair

Research has shown that fasting supports the process of autophagy. During autophagy, your body breaks down and destroys old, damaged, and abnormal cells and recycles them for energy. This cellular “spring cleaning” leaves room for your body to create new and healthy cells. It also supports cellular repair and regeneration, reduces the development of abnormal cell growth, and keeps your cells and tissues healthy.

Increases Stem cell Production

When you fast, you are essentially resetting your immune system by allowing your body to switch into repair mode. Stem cells increase because they are the primary repair system in your body. These cells work by morphing into many different types of cells, depending on which parts of your body need repair. Fasting has been shown to increase stem cells in the intestines, muscles, and brain while preserving the long-term ability for stem cells to regenerate independently. The way this works is pretty amazing. When fasting, our bodies greatly reduce our energy expenditure by rapidly shrinking tissues, organs, and populations of different cells in your blood including a whopping 28% decrease in white blood cells.

Reduces Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is the root cause of most chronic disorders and diseases. Fasting can lower the production of inflammatory pathways, reduce inflammatory activities, and reduce chronic inflammation. As a result, it may improve your physical and mental health and reduce your risk of disease.

Improves Energy

Becoming fat-adapted and experiencing ketosis through fasting can improve your energy. This improvement is due to an increase in mitophagy–a process of breaking down old, damaged, or dysfunctional mitochondria and replacing them with new and healthy mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy factories in all our cells. Improving mitochondrial health can increase cellular energy and support energy efficiency.

Supports the Gut

Taking a break from eating offers a break for your gut as well. Digestion takes a lot of energy. When fasting, your body can spend this energy on tissue repair. Fasting supports intestinal stem cell production that supports your recovery from leaky gut syndrome and improves homeostasis.

Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of sugar in your system. Frequently consuming carbohydrates (sugars) increases insulin resistance and inflammation. Insulin is a hormone that helps deliver glucose (the end product of carbohydrates) to your cells. When there’s too much sugar in your bloodstream your cells stop responding to insulin, essentially shutting the door on sugar. We call this “insulin resistance” or “pre-diabetes.”

When your cells stop responding to insulin, your body secretes even more insulin, bullying your cells to open their doors to let in more sugar. If you continue eating sugar the insulin producing cells in your pancreas will burn out. Without the ability to make insulin your body gets toxically overwhelmed by glucose, and you have diabetes—a debilitating and deadly disease. IF can increase the ability of your body to properly use the glucose in your blood.

Lowers the Risk of Chronic Disease

Fasting reduces chronic inflammation in your body. As a result, it may also reduce the risk of chronic disorders and disease, including diabetes, heart disease, metabolic problems, obesity, hormonal issues, infertility, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.

Improves your relationship with food

Mindless snacking, emotional eating, binge eating, overeating, and craving unhealthy, sugary junk food is a common problem in our modern world. When you begin intermittent fasting, you may notice that you stop relying on food as a crutch when you’re bored, stressed, or otherwise emotional. Fasting may help to repair food addictions and reset your neurochemistry. While practicing IF you will notice that you become more mindful when it comes to food.

Boosts Human Growth Hormone

A recent study of 200 participants showed that fasting for a single twenty-four-hour period increased HGH by 2000% for men, and 1300% in women  HGH is essential for building, maintaining, and repairing healthy tissue in the brain, bones, and other organs, while speeding up healing after injury and repairing muscle tissue after exercise. HGH builds muscle mass, boosts metabolism, and burns fat. Because HGH naturally drops as you age, it becomes even more important to take dietary steps to maintain and increase your HGH levels.

HGH has been shown to slow down the aging process of the skin, reducing sagging and wrinkles.

Increases BDNF, “Miracle-Gro for your brain”

BDNF is short for Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, a naturally occurring growth hormone responsible for neurogenesis—the creation of new neurons.  That’s why Harvard Neuropsychiatrist, John J. Ratey deemed it, “Miracle-Gro for the brain.” Increased levels of BDNF through intermittent fasting are associated with better moods, higher cognitive ability, more productivity, and better memory while decreasing risks of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s.

Exactly why BDNF gets a boost from fasting isn’t totally understood, but researchers believe it has to do with the way BDNF helps to rapidly form new neural networks. A network is formed when nerve cells in the brain fire together, forming a new thought, memory or skill. We form these networks very quickly in emergencies when we’re kicked into fight of flight mode. When we’re fasting, we are in a controlled state of threat. This same healthy dose of stress that stimulates stem cell production, HGG, and autophagy is also likely the trigger for boosting BDNF.

Intermittent Fasting May Affect Men and Women Differently

While intermittent fasting can benefit both sexes, it may affect men and women differently. The discrepancies may be the result of hormonal differences. Besides influencing insulin, norepinephrine, and HGH levels, intermittent fasting may affect female sex and hunger-hormones in specific ways.

Intermittent Fasting and Reproductive Hormones in Women

Women are more sensitive to calorie restriction and restrictive, low-calorie diets than men. Calorie restriction affects the hypothalamus and the gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH). GnRH is in charge of releasing two important reproductive hormones, the luteinizing hormone (LH) and the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Disrupting these hormones can lead to a variety of hormonal issues, including irregular periods, amenorrhea, infertility, reduction in ovary size, and decreased bone density.

Intermittent Fasting and Disordered Eating in Women

Intermittent fasting may disrupt the balance of ghrelin, the hormone that tells you you’re hungry, and leptin, the hormone that makes you feel satiated after eating. Disruptions in these hormones may lead to more cravings, increased hunger, and a lack of satiety. While this may become a problem in both men and women, disordered eating, emotional eating, and eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating tend to affect women more.

If you have recovered from an eating disorder it is important that you talk with your healthcare provider before starting an intermittent fasting protocol. If you are currently dealing with an eating disorder, we recommend against intermittent fasting.

Intermittent Fasting and Insulin Sensitivity in Women

While increased insulin sensitivity is a common benefit of intermittent fasting, it may not be the case for all women. 

According to a randomized control trial published in the International Journal of Obesity, intermittent fasting resulted in 29% lower insulin levels and 19% decreased insulin resistance in obese and overweight female participants. A 2014 review published in Translational Research has also found that intermittent fasting may lower insulin levels by 20 to 30% and blood sugar by 3 to 6% in those with prediabetes.

However, a 2005 study published in Obesity Research found that alternate-day fasting for 22 days resulted in worsened blood sugar in non-obese women. But in men, it did not. It seems that women with insulin resistance, prediabetes, and diabetes may experience increased insulin sensitivity from intermittent fasting. However, women without insulin resistance may experience hypoglycemic stress. 

These differences between men and women do not mean that intermittent fasting is not right for women. Women can still experience the benefits of intermittent fasting. However, it’s likely that women will benefit from different IF strategies than men.

Intermittent Fasting and Keto for Women

One way for women to reduce the potential for hypoglycemic stress and related reproductive hormone imbalances is by combining IF with a ketogenic, or high-fat low-carb (HFLC) diet variation. 

If you’re fasting on a carb-based diet, you’ll struggle with cravings, lack of focus, low energy, and irritability. When you break the fast, you’ll likely want to binge on a ton of carb-heavy foods, spiking your blood sugar, feeling fatigued, and lacking focus. You’ll be stuck on the low to high blood sugar seesaw. It’s this blood sugar seesaw, and not the IF, that is likely responsible for hormonal imbalances. 

Ketones over carbs

When your body is using fat as its primary fuel source, most of your cells get their energy from ketones rather than glucose. Fat digests much more slowly than carbohydrates, and ketones pack more energy per unit than glucose. On an HFLC diet, you provide your body with a sustained and superior fuel source. 

Your few cell types that can’t use ketones are fed by glucose created on-demand in your liver. This means that when you combine IF with a HFLC diet, your blood sugar never drops to a point where you get hunger cravings, and never spikes to a point where you lose focus. Ketones are also effective at suppressing ghrelin, the hormone that makes you feel hungry.

The ketogenic diet and fasting offer similar benefits, including reduced inflammation, improved fat burning, better cellular repair, improved insulin sensitivity, and lower risk of disease. Intermittent fasting and keto can go hand in hand to support each other and increase their complementary benefits.

Keto and stem cells when fasting

When you enjoy a keto feast at the end of a fasted period, you are fertilizing the vast crop of new cells with fat–the healthiest, most potent fuel available. 

When you combine IF with keto, you’re getting rid of tons of damaged cells—especially those damaged from the bonding of sugar molecules in the destructive process called glycation. At the same time, your body is erupting with fresh, fat-fueled cells!  

Lab tests on mice show fasting to result in major reductions in the incidence of lymphomas and tumors. The mechanism at work here is the decrease in glucose and insulin—if you’re not eating sugar, your body isn’t producing insulin. 

Fasting along with keto starves cancer cells that rely on sugar while promoting short-term atrophy and cell death in a wide range of tissues and organs including the liver and kidneys. 

This controlled atrophy and cell that occurs during IF  triggers a period of cellular growth and proliferation. Replenishing these growing cells is crucial. But, and this is a big BUT, if you eat high carb, and other cancer-causing molecules when feasting at the end of a period of fasting, studies show that you actually increase cancerous activities and pre-cancerous lesions especially in the liver and intestines. 

A high-fat low-carb diet is not only the best way to get the greatest health benefits out of IF, it’s also the best way to protect yourself against the possibility of doing your body harm.

Intermittent fasting strategies for women 

Simple Fast

Starting with a Simple Fast is the best strategy for anyone who is new to intermittent fasting. It is also a great choice if you have hypoglycemic issues. It’s a fantastic approach to reduce late-night eating, emotional eating, and food addictions. The Simple Fast involves a relatively short–12-hour–fasting window. This window includes your overnight sleep. You simply stop eating after dinner and don’t eat until the next day at breakfast 12 hours later. 

Brunch Fast

If you are doing well with the Simple Fast, you may want to extend your fasting window to a Brunch Fast. This fast includes 14 hours of fasting window where breakfast becomes more of a late breakfast or brunch.

Crescendo Fasting

As you get used to intermittent fasting, try stepping up your game to Crescendo Fasting. It is less demanding on female bodies, yet still helps to lower inflammation, burn fat, and increase energy.

Crescendo fasting is an alternate-day strategy. You only IF on 2 to 3 non-consecutive days of the week. During non IF days, you eat normally. 

For example IF on Tuesday and Friday, or Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. On your fasting days, aim to fast for 16 hours and eat your meals within an 8-hour window following the 16:8 rule. 

Intermittent Feasting

When most people talk about intermittent fasting, there’s a lot of emphasis on not eating.  However, our eating window is just as important. While the periods of not eating create the potential for many of the health benefits we get from IF, calorie restriction is not the goal of IF. And it can lead to hormone imbalances for women, especially if you IF on a normal carb-based diet. 

Feasting (the eating window) is the time to nourish your body with nutrient-dense foods. Healthy animal fats and proteins will balance your hormones, reduce inflammation, improve your immune system, support cellular growth, aid lean tissue development, and support emotional health. 

I recommend that you nourish your body with anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense foods including healthy fats, grass-fed butter and ghee, grass-fed beef, pasture-raised and eggs, wild-caught fish, and wild game.

For women, it’s also important to pay attention to your menstrual cycle. It may be best for you that when you’re ovulating (days 12 to 16), and during the week before your period (days 22 to 28),  you put the fasting aside and only feast. Feasting during these times helps to support the increase in estrogen and progesterone taking place in your body. 

However, on a HFLC diet, you may not need to stop fasting. This is because the healthy fats and cholesterol you get from nutrient-dense animal foods provide the building blocks for your reproductive hormones. 

The Bottom Line About Intermittent Fasting and Women

Aside from combining IF with an HFLC diet, modified versions of intermittent fasting are usually the safest and most beneficial for women. It’s important to consider that fasting is only a tool. It’s best to approach IF in the context of your overall health goals, and while paying close attention to the needs of your body.  

If you have an eating disorder, are pregnant, or breastfeeding, it’s best not to practice intermittent fasting. If you experience changes in your menstrual cycle, lose your period, experience a lack of energy, or mood swings, we strongly recommend either stopping or combining IF with a high-fat low-carb diet. 

Intermittent fasting affects men and women differently. Practicing a modified version of intermittent fasting, such as Crescendo Fasting may be safer and more beneficial for women. 

Combining IF with a keto (high-fat low-carb) diet can increase the health benefits of IF while protecting women against possible negative side effects including hypoglycemic stress and imbalances in reproductive hormones. 

Make sure to eat a nutrient-dense diet during your feasting period to support your hormonal and overall health.