Mind, Body, Smile Resources
Given how much we talk about carnivore, keto, and intermittent fasting you may be surprised to hear us say that life is more than fatty red meat and OMAD, but it is. Dr. Kiltz’s Mind, Body, Smile philosophy incorporates everything from walking and stand-up desks to mindful meditation, visualization, and hobbies to round out your life.
- Body, Keto, Carnivore, Nutrition
Can You Be Fat and Healthy? Yes!
Can you think of anything more demonized than fat-both as a food, and as part…
- exercise
Low Intensity Exercises: Health Benefits and Types
Low-intensity exercise provides powerful health benefits without the stress, and wear and tear, and inflammation…
- Immune System
Inflammation: Acute, Chronic, and Causes
When our body’s immune response is functioning properly, inflammation is a temporary response that actually…