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Doctor Kiltz’s Blog

Intermittent Feasting & Fasting

Electrolytes For Fasting: Needs, Benefits, and Best Supplements

Fasting for prolonged and intermittent periods has gained widespread popularity for its powerful health benefits…

Intermittent Feasting & Fasting

Protein-Sparing Modified Fast: Review and Alternatives

The Protein-Sparing Modified Fast, or PSMF, is touted as a way to quickly lose significant…


Does Salt Break a Fast? The Truth

We associate salt with food, so when we’re eliminating all food on a fast, it’s…

Intermittent Feasting & Fasting

Prolonged Fasting: How to and Health Benefits

Prolonged fasting for health has been practiced throughout history and across cultures,  including ancient Egypt,…

Methods & Schedules

Everything You Need to Know About the 72 Hour Fast

Fasting is an age-old tradition that has been practiced across cultures for both physical and…


Top 7 Benefits of a 24 Hour Fast Once a Week

The 24-hour fast once a week can be a sweet spot between daily intermittent fasts…

Intermittent Feasting & Fasting

What is the Best Way to Fast?

Amidst a sea of fasting methods, you may wonder, “What is the best way to…

Intermittent Feasting & Fasting

Fasting Benefits by Hour: Detailed Fasting Timeline

Intermittent fasting calls for alternating between periods of eating and fasting on a daily or…

Methods & Schedules

The 5 Day Fast: How To, Risks, and Benefits

The world is brimming with trendy diets and quick fixes for losing weight and boosting…

Methods & Schedules

The 40 Hour Fast: How to & Benefits

A fasting method that is gaining attention is the 40-hour fast, also known as a…

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