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Are you currently Keto or Carnivore?


How long have you been keto/carnivore?

16 months

Describe what a Typical Day of Eating Looks like for you.

I usually eat twice a day. I keep it simple and within an 8-hour window. I eat a steak for my first meal at 1pm, and a couple Bratwurst or 6 eggs for the second meal at 7pm.

Then I fast until the next day. Simplicity has been one of the things leading to my success with this way of eating.

Describe the health changes you have experienced since going keto/carnivore.

I have experienced an increased metabolism, better mental clarity, and now I have lots of energy as soon as I wake up. My depression has slowly lifted, and my anxiety is a little better. There are lots of great benefits from the carnivore lifestyle.

Your Keto/Carnivore Story

I ended up putting on quite a bit of weight during the pandemic. First I got sick with Covid and then the gyms closed down permanently.

The weight started to pile on as I became more sedentary. I got sick of being out of shape and heard about the Carnivore diet online. I saw people had great results and I liked the idea of eating only animal-based food.

Since being on Carnivore for 16 months I have dropped 70 lbs. and put on more muscle mass. I was 220 lbs. when I started in May 2021. Now I am 150 lbs. at 14.7% body fat as of September 2022. My lean body mass is 128 lbs. and my total fat is 22 lbs. It has turned my life around, and my skin even looks better as a result. Sometimes people who haven’t seen me in a year or two don’t even recognize me. I look forward to continuing my carnivore journey!!!

What is the best (or top 3) pieces of advice you could give someone starting their keto/carnivore health journey?

1. Eat twice a day within an 8 hour window
2. Fast for at least 16 hours from the last meal to the first meal of the next day.
3. Stick to Red Meat and cuts of meat that are very high in fat and protein.

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